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From Sandman on AP-

English scan's translation about Kaido's line is not correct.
As I mentioned before, it should be translated like,

Kaido*: Looks like you're enjoying this fight...*
The more desperate situation you're thrown into, the more you laugh.
And the more you laugh, you......

wait a moment ....
100% tied to Luffy's secret dream I feel like.

Really curious as to what the fuck it means though
Ppl assuming the SHs are the only characters allowed to grow stronger each passing arc will get a reality check when Smoker clashes equally with Luffy in the future smh. You lot just don't learn.
So is Smoker is gonna get advanced observation haki,armament,conqueros haki and awakening?I could see him clashing equally with Sanji!But with Emperor Luffy?no Way!
100% tied to Luffy's secret dream I feel like.

Really curious as to what the fuck it means though
More than that, it looks like it's related to the Will of D considering how smiling is such an important concept in it.

*My agenda of the D in Will of D representing a smile comes through unashamed*
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Ppl assuming the SHs are the only characters allowed to grow stronger each passing arc will get a reality check when Smoker clashes equally with Luffy in the future smh. You lot just don't learn.
Smoker isn't clashing with no Luffy. :seriously::beckmoji:
To those who think luffy getting advanced conqueros haki now is an ass pull:Oda said conquerors haki is Luffy's especialty,just like armament is zoro's and observation is Sanji's!
Classic shonen thing. I don't even understand why you complain.
Madara, Freezer and so on looks threathening when they were way stronger than the MC.
When they aren't they looks normal.

As for Luffy's progression it's coherent.
Luffy's training for this fight starts at Katakuri.
He fought Katakuri to unlock FS, spent 2 weeks at training for Internal Haki
And fought Kaido to be able to use CoC on his attacks.
3 PU to be able to stand his grounds against Kaido
Zoro had one
Killer Kid and Law none
But somehow when it's Luffy it's an asspull.
It's typical Luffy hate. I hate seeing it, especially when most of the people who cry about it don't care if other characters just look good.
More than that, it looks like it's related to the Will of D considering how smiling is such an important concept in it.

*My agenda of the D in Will of D representing a smile comes through unashamed*
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Smoker isn't clashing with no Luffy. :seriously::beckmoji:
I just really want to know what Smiling and Laughter truly means in this series. Like of course this may be the key to Laugh Tale and maybe even "D" being an insignia for smiling.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Luffy's dream is essentially wanting to make the whole world laugh together. As corny as it sounds, its extremely in character and everyone either called Luffy/Roger weird or believed in their ideal.

Though, Yamato crying about it seems pretty tough to justify it being that without more meaning behind it. Gonna be interesting
What you fucking laughing at?

casual armament on a fucking plant material as hard as some fucking wood lol

While Zoro with 2 armament infused blades on 2 magical indestrucible blades (and for some reason he needs to out a fucking stick in his mouth, lol) had Kamazou walk up from that a few hours later

Smoker would not be huff huff huff huff from fighting gifters while "drawing out more power from Enma" Zoro does :usoprice:
That's the thing, this shit can be a tournament instead of this 'war' with the Poneglyphs as the winning prize and it won't change anything, lol. The tension is almost non-existing at this point which doesn't make the fight as engaging for me as it could've been. Also, he did say at one point during the fight that he's gonna kill them, or am I misremembering?

I agree that those East Blue fights were very engaging due to us not knowing Luffy's full potential at that point but that's also because all opponents were trying their best to kill him. Even post-TS fights like Katakuri.
In 1010 when he said he will crush Luffy's skull or put off his eyes.


3 Palestine
So is Smoker is gonna get advanced observation haki,armament,conqueros haki and awakening?I could see him clashing equally with Sanji!But with Emperor Luffy?no Way!
You are missing the point. Oda doesn't have the time to show every character's progression. It is silly to assume the SHs are the only ones with character growth. We saw Crocodile at Marinefored ffs, put that same guy against Alabasta Luffy and I guarantee you Luffy's story ends right there.
Wait until Luffy reveals a new form of G4 or when adv.coa+coc infused KKG KO's Kaido!Everyone will go crazy here!Conquerors haki is feared by the marines for a reason,here it is!It was obvious from the moment Shanks clashed with Whitebeard that it had some kind of combat application.Shanks damaged WB's ship with it!Advanced COC is like sage mode!I want Oda to show off how powerfull is base luffy now(g2+g3)!G4 KKG or new G4 form is enough to put Kaido down!The question is does luffy have the stamina to keep this up?
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