How Will O-Lin Play Out?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
What? Where is BM an ally? She just protects Tama kinda, that doesnt make her an ally at all. Oo
So Oda just make her casually hits Page One for what, exactly?
Just for the LOL's?
Pardon me.
I'm just trying to make sense of this shit show chapter.
tbh idk how yall feel about this, but this is much better than the o lin situation imo. bc it actually links back to big moms mental illness. last time was just retarded for no reason. but i must say that hopefully it doesnt last too long
Except him being punched means nothing at all yet lol. Why don't you wait? Your ass thought it was Usopp so don't sit here and try and act like you won something you didn't lol

This was like the idiots that thought Jack was done from the roof. Ancient Zoan users have high recovery. Usopp and Nami can and will probably tag Ulti. Page 1 COULD be Choppers fight once he's around
I said "could", so don't put words in my mouth.
You can go fuck off somewhere else too, not my problem if you don't like what is happening.
It is not me who try to defend this shit with saying this is character building, yeah it is so amazing and execting to see a 8 years old girl without any experince in battle joining a totally death war which get hyped by Moria in thrillerbark only to get showed as child play war.

How much smile get hyped since which arc? Punk Hazard, since that Law and everyone risk their life to stop the smile production. Jump they should just meet Tama, who magically now turn them to their side.

Or Big mom, seems like Tama is the only person in Big mom entire life who feed her with food,not like Big mom hunt and kill people for food hehe. Luffy didn't need a fight with Big mom, he just need to take Tama and all problems with resolved, probably the Germa would even help him,who knows? Since Tama is a tool who get use for every shit writing for Oda. Probably with this shit Tama transform into uranus. Big mom and Tama for pirateking!!

Just wait to see a character in future who can manipulate all pacifsta, going happen too.

Sry but this is shitty writing and im sick of people who try to defend such a bad shit.
I should've believed people who said Big Meme must only seen a gag and nothing else. Because Big Meme have no relevance. She get thrown away in every fight (Jinbe, Queen, JinbeixRobin, Rooftop), she turn to a complete gag (tantrum, O-Lin). She get triggered by a picture and she can be tamed with a kid
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