No indication.
No Future Sight.
No Advanced Ryou.
No CoC, let alone Advanced.
Unable to fodderise YCs.
Hawkins's stat comparison of Kaido and Kizaru.
Apoo afraid of going against Yonko, while brazenly sought out and attacked Kizaru.
Doffy unafraid of facing AdmiraLs while pissed his pants at the thought of Kaido's anger.
Orochi openly declaring Larines can do nothing to take Wano as long as Kaido is ruling.
Gorosei treat Shanks with respect while make Bakainu their Bitch.'
Aokiji working under BB.
no future sight?as far as I know aokiji took haki imbued attack through his body and was still alive, only explanation I can see is future sight
advanced ryuo

even sentomaru has that
COC maybe idk
Unable to fodderise YCs, by that logic Mihawk is not the top tier because he was unable to fodderise Vista(a commander)
Kaido was there to recruit hawkins and kidd whereas kizaru was just chilling and wasnt even in mood to capture them just one kick and he was roaming around
Doffy unafraid of facing admirals😂🤣 he was shitting his pants after aokiji appeared at PH and he knew fujitora would do him nothing serious because he is a warlord
As if orochi knows anything about Marines, he knows no TT other than kaido and oden lol
We dont know the truth about shanks
Aokiji might be on secret mission in BB's crew