"It seems like the stage of this battle is constantly changing as more information comes to light."
I wonder if this is how it will be in the final battle. New information about the void century and the WG's bullshit could make some people switch sides. I'm thinking especially of some 'good' Marines here.
Okay now, why is Wano special?
Is it only because it is isolated or are there other reasons? Wano must be in some way connected to the ancient kingdom. Also due to the sea stone/poneglyph carving tradition this must be the case.
Kaido plobably knows of such connections from Rocks.
The Nami Zeus thing was kinda funny but still bullshit writing. If you don't expect too much from One Piece logic wise and just read it as what it is-a fun adventure for young teens- then it's kinda ok to have these asspull elements. We're all grown up and having too high expectations.
I rate the chapter 3 stars only for the potential foreshadowing of eos things. Other that this it was sadly rather disappointing.
I dont know what to think of the Tama/Bao Huang plot. Seriously... I don't know what Oda was thinking when he wrote this. There were so many other ways he could have written things and make the alliance win the battle. But he had to use Tama and her asspull magical power to tame all the strong characters...