Per usual, the Goat's analysis always come first.
Buggy is cool to see.
Queen uses CoC to knocked out Tama?
Boi, Franky and Jinbei is struggling.
Franky and Jinbei is stronger than Sanji they said.
But no disrespect though, they both will win their matches.
Tama's announcement is ordering the Gifters to fight for her which is cool I guess......
Hope the Tama's plot is over now.
Luffy got rescued.....
Momo is crying like usual......
Sanji bros eating good again.
And even throw shades at Queen for keep saying "Judge's Son"
That also applies to other people as well.
Fucking Doctor Octopus from Spider-Man 2 up in da hood.
Sanji = Spider Man
Queen = Doc
Expect some good fight from these two.
And Queen is already using hybrid form just to fight base Sanji.
"But but Sanji's kicks did nothing"
"Sanji only sneak attacks"
"Sanji will use the RS to fight Queen"
"Sanji needed helps"
Sanji didn't even look at Queen's face. When I say Base Sanji will mid diff Queen, I meant it.
Baby Gramps Chopper looks.......
And another L's for folks that said nerfed Zoro will fight King.

But we're gonna see Thriller Bark Woro again.

Jinbei vs Who's Who is actually a pretty good drawn fight.
Love the new variety Rokushiki techniques of WsW.
About Luffy's Gomu Gomu fruit.......
Yes, it could be "PIS" but Luffy developed his techniques using his own creativity and knowledge so it's good.
Also, dunno if these got posted already......
That's all from Goat. Stay tuned for next week analysis EST and PST daily.
Never thought of that Lmao.