Curious if Big Mom's crew will be used as a tertiary threat once it's just Luffy vs Kaido. Same thing technically happened during Enies Lobby with the Buster Call, where Zoro, Franky, Usopp, Robin, etc fought Captain level Marines for a while before escaping.
Especially since there isn't just Luffys crew here, but Yamato, the Supernova, and Scabbards, it would be cool to get some additional threats at the end of the arc (i.e. give everyone something to do) while Luffy fights Kaido.
Momo seems to be the one who will singlehandedly save Wano from Onigashima, so there needs to be some other pressing threat I feel like once all of Kaido's generals are down. Not to mention many of them have some hidden/unique powers.
Truly believe that koby and boa join forces and show up to wano.
Wrote this alot but will post It again. Koby represents the dolphin (oda confirmed that that is his animal which explains kobys advanced observation haki almost working like a dolphins sonar). He also has pink hair. So I think koby represents the story of the pink dolphin. Now even the story describes the pink dolphin as bad. I still think is describes what koby will do with boa. Besides luffy and zoro are based on terrible pirates. So koby being the pink dolphin is just the reference point.
Here is the legend: "A popular myth in the Amazon is that pink dolphins turn into handsome men at night and leave the water to seduce beautiful local women, only to return to the water before dawn"
The Amazon? Isn't koby and his Faction of marines heading ro Amazon lilly? Interesting that the pink dolphin seduces when that's literally the ability of boa. There is even more to the legend. Saying that the dolphin turns into a man wearing a white cape/robe. Isn't koby wearing a white captain coat as a cape? This pink dolphins in certain stories told stated that it was a sailor. Isn't koby a marine of the sea a seaman/sailor?
So I am of the belief that he will be Amazon lillys undoing as the legends of the pink dolphin state.
Or he will be the one that seduces/persuade the Amazon's the leave Amazon lilly. Since the pink dolphin was stated to persuade the women of the amazon.
Long story short I believe koby is going to persuade them to leave and him and boa will team up. Koby will bring with him "himself, helmeppo and maybe tashigi and boa will bring herself and her 2 sister to wano". And there role will be to fight the big mom pirates when kaidos men lose.
Boa fights smoothie, and koby will fight he person that's that's strongest right after smoothie