Will ZKk Happen?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
I thought the Flyers would push the SH farther to be honest. I wanted real and hard struggle for the SH. Since the TS (except for Luffy) their fights had been so « easy »…. I wanted them bloody on the ground looking for something to do
Barely one chap for fights is not enough. I wanted at least 2 chap per fights.
They kinda did.
Nami didn't die due to sheer "Oda" power. One headbutt from Ulti that she took should have shattered her skull completely and killed her on the spot. Same for Usopp.
Jinbei only managed to "outclass" Whoswho on the chapter of their fight. But they were fighting for quite a while and Whoswho actually managed to pierce through Jinbei's Haki, but, again, "Oda" strikes again and suddenly Jinbei gets more powerful due to being pissed at Whoswho racism.
Franky been fighting Sasaki for a long time as well, and that using his Franky Shogun. He almost got clapped in the end if it wasn't for the eject button, so he could shoot a final laser at Sasaki. But if the laser had failed, he wouldn't have the Shogun anymore, and that would be a problem for him, since he probably wasted almost all his cola fuel.
Here with Robin seems to be quite the case of the enemy severely underestimating Robin. Not that Maria didn't have a chance, but she thought she could "torture" and "toy" with Robin for a while, instead of just going for the KO, but Robin showed great physical prowess and held on to launch a counter attack, finishing Black Maria with an amazing hellish demon clone.
Problem with all these fights is just that they are basically 1 chapter long. Last chapter was just Robin and Brook running from BM and dealing with the SMILE on her weapon, but the fight itself just was this week's. And, for Jinbei and Franky, a good chunk of their fights were basically offscreened, so Oda could grace us with that amazing Tama plot that we ALL wished for.:finally:
And a gifter coming out of a chicken's ass.

My only problem with the Flying 6, is just that, instead of showcasing them, Oda wasted A LOT of time, not only in Onigashima, but Wano in general, with a bunch of gifters that he just felt like drawing. Couldn't he do some special SBS like he did Roger's crew to showcase these fucking atrocious gifters? And give more panel time to the enemies that actually matter.
Flying 6 are literally just some enemies that appeared for the final battle. They could have been way more memorable, but oh well. At least I had fun with these fights, despite the rest of the arc being complete garbage.
But I fear the times when the best thing about an One Piece arc are just the fights, while the story aspect is just bad. :believe:


The Rogue Prince
Yeah, the notion that F6 are clearly superior to veterans went down the drain.
BM Pirates have more tricky abilities but are physically more vulnerable, whereas F6 are physically more impressive.
i mean even the veterans are garbage. oven couldnt even sense sanji when base sanji speed blitzed him and he was left thinking that pound did it. even page one was better than that imo. except perospero and snack maybe the veterans are garbage as well.
Yeah, I just went back and checked. So I take back what I said.

But still not that satisfied with the endings, sigh.
Oh i agree, Oda is not reaching pre-TS 1vs1 fights, especially Enies Lobby.
I think the people who disagree that we will see more do not so because they are satisfied but that it´s consistent with Oda claiming he will dedicate less time to each fight, and also by the sheer fact that we have much more fights to go on.
These fights are pretty similar to the 1vs1 fights in Dressrosa, you really got snippets here and there, and then the conclusion pretty quickly.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Best Tobi Roppo fight so far is Robin vs Black Maria while the worst is Nami and Usopp vs Ulti and Page One.
I loved this Robin fight, something I've craved for a long time.
But I would been lying if I didn't say that I might have enjoyed Franky vs Sasaki more. I laughed so hard with the triceracopter thing.:suresure:
I thought the Flyers would push the SH farther to be honest. I wanted real and hard struggle for the SH. Since the TS (except for Luffy) their fights had been so « easy »…. I wanted them bloody on the ground looking for something to do
Barely one chap for fights is not enough. I wanted at least 2 chap per fights.
I don't think straw hats except Luffy ever had fights like that, even in ennies loby everyone could fight after they beat their opponent, only Luffy couldn't move.

Not gonna lie tho I expected them to get pushed farther than any enemy ever did, guess Oda wont change his pattern ever.
Maria: !!!
Robin: "Demonia Fleur"
Maria: A demon...!?
Robin: I'll become a demon if I have to...
Robin: ...because I have people that need me, people that rely on me...!!
Maria: Stay away from me! What the hell is that form!!
Maria: Kyaaa!!
Robin: I take it you don't need your legs and arms?/You don't need your arms and legs right?
Maria: No!! not me!!
Maria: You are the one that one that doesn't need them...!!
Robin: "Grand Jacuzzi Clutch"!!!
Maria: Aaargh!!!
:steef: Demon
Oh i agree, Oda is not reaching pre-TS 1vs1 fights, especially Enies Lobby.
I think the people who disagree that we will see more do not so because they are satisfied but that it´s consistent with Oda claiming he will dedicate less time to each fight, and also by the sheer fact that we have much more fights to go on.
These fights are pretty similar to the 1vs1 fights in Dressrosa, you really got snippets here and there, and then the conclusion pretty quickly.
Yup, a lot of my issues with One Piece post time skip is how Oda writes these arcs and conclusions. It's like a roundabout, here and there style that doesn't allow the reader to actually digest the events bc they're jumbled.

While these fights were great to a certain extent (Except Nami's, Usopp, Ulti.. 😩) they still suffered from the pacing style Oda chose.
i mean even the veterans are garbage. oven couldnt even sense sanji when base sanji speed blitzed him and he was left thinking that pound did it. even page one was better than that imo. except perospero and snack maybe the veterans are garbage as well.
Relatively yeah, but people jump on the newest thing. First veterans were clearly stronger than Strawhats and former villains (some even claimed Doflamingo) because a fodder from Bege´s crew hyped them.
Then F6 came, and they were clearly supposed to be more impressive than veterans, yeah no.
Vergo and Smoker shit on these guys.
Exception is Perospero, who has a very tricky ability for physical fighters (similarly to Cracker on a lesser degree) but who in turn is a glass cannon, so it balances out somewhat.
Where are the Zenkai boost team?

"Looks like the SH for twice as strong just from travelling."
"Robin got full body Haki"
"Oda boosted them all round"
"Robin Low diffs her Dressrosa Version"

Yup, a lot of my issues with One Piece post time skip is how Oda writes these arcs and conclusions. It's like a roundabout, here and there style that doesn't allow the reader to actually digest the events bc they're jumbled.

While these fights were great to a certain extent (Except Nami's, Usopp, Ulti.. 😩) they still suffered from the pacing style Oda chose.
Yep, Oda can´t handle huge amount of characters in a battle situation.
Hence why i am more looking forward to the direct BB fights than a huge war, because war is too many characters.
This is a failed argument since Chopper then provided a literal proof of why he was able to fight a stronger opponent, a huge powerup. Ulti knocked into Usopp and Nami how many times?
Also, Franky won mid diff, basically continuing on to Lucci, then took a huge explosion, still went on to fight Marines and all the Spandam stuff, and then fought the Marine elite captains, and still was fine. Whereas Chopper went even beyond all out and took a power that destroys his body.

His "feats" look lacking because they were done vs Jinbe.

I disagree, Sasaki has been by far the most disappointing F6 compared to the expectations. P1 has no spectacular feat.
Doesn't change the fact that Chopper fought a stronger opponent than Franky which is the point. By this same logic, Oda could still be saving Jinbe for later on in the arc, like he did Franky on Enies Lobby.

Usopp annd Nami taking Ulti's headbutts is easily PIS and if we wanted to strain the argument we could argue she held back with Nami for instance as she was trying to break her spirit and with Usopp, well we've literally seen his skull crack before and he didn't die lol.
Ulti clashed with Luffy. Luffy!! in an headbutt clash and pushed him back. In the same clash she proceeded to force Luffy to use G4 and he'd have done so save Yamato interfering. Took a Raimei Hakke (which imo is an attack that utilizes advanced CoC) and tanked that shit. Took a combined attack from Linlin's homies (i.e. the strongest attack Linlin has shown to date and prolly has in her locker) and tanked that shit and was defeated by Nami in weakened state and coz of an insane PU upgrade in Zeus. Ulti who was on her last legs, managed to dodge the Raitei mind you, and was only hit coz it was a homing attack.

In comparison Who's Who barely managed to hurt Jinbe and ran like a bitch when tings got peak for him, had his strongest attack tanked by Jinbe and ultimately got beaten by Jinbe mid diff at best. The man is a disgrace and has nothing on Ulti and I say this as one of his ex-biggest fanboys lol
Relatively yeah, but people jump on the newest thing. First veterans were clearly stronger than Strawhats and former villains (some even claimed Doflamingo) because a fodder from Bege´s crew hyped them.
Then F6 came, and they were clearly supposed to be more impressive than veterans, yeah no.
Vergo and Smoker shit on these guys.
Exception is Perospero, who has a very tricky ability for physical fighters (similarly to Cracker on a lesser degree) but who in turn is a glass cannon, so it balances out somewhat.
Let's bit forget the whole Ulti > Doffy and WW YC level and Oven > Doffy.

These guys just underestimated the Dressrosa / PH villains and the Strawhats. Similarly to how Zoro's full power was far beyond what they imagined, Oda shows Robin's full power beyond their imagination.
Relatively yeah, but people jump on the newest thing. First veterans were clearly stronger than Strawhats and former villains (some even claimed Doflamingo) because a fodder from Bege´s crew hyped them.
Then F6 came, and they were clearly supposed to be more impressive than veterans, yeah no.
Vergo and Smoker shit on these guys.
Exception is Perospero, who has a very tricky ability for physical fighters (similarly to Cracker on a lesser degree) but who in turn is a glass cannon, so it balances out somewhat.
Vergo and Smoker don't shit on them.
This chapter is 10/10 @KINGKONGGUN15

@BleakAsh Implications for Sanji and Zoro vs Queen and King, if Momo succeeds in stopping Onigashima's fall then Luffy will have enough time to beat Kaido. While, Zoro and fight with King. Marco is really a hindrance here, he needs to be sidelined soon. Waiting for this particular development.

Caribou is not switching sides yet, it seems SHs are safe from this end. He can play a support role very well.

We got an indication from text spoilers that Shinobu finished the conversation by saying, No I wont do this. But, now it is clear that Momo will eventually convince her to save Wano.
Maybe the jaw drop gag will make a return but with beast pirates with time :gokulaugh:
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