KoL bruhhhhh LMFAOOO
i love the fact that jinbei would be indian! planning on getting a jinbei set done some day for the account as well.
nothing but love for the knight of the sea!
Aw man, I was gonna tag Knight of the Sea but I can't ironically!
Right though? It feels so fitting somehow! He's got that jolly Indian uncle vibe! LOL. To think of it, he does kinda remind me of one or two of my uncles at least LOL! No wonder I like him so much too! Apart from the obvious reasons we all know why Winbei is so great too!
Getting a Jinbei set though? I was thinking of that too funnily enough! I was torn between a few characters including him but that't awesome, will definitely look forward to it if you do get it ofc and I'm sure it will look awesome and badass!
Also facts, nothing but love for our favourite fishman and helsman! It still blows my mind on how he turned out to be such an amazing character and so important, benovolent, helpful, supportive etc of the Straw Hats especially Luffy ofc! From hearing about him back at Arlong Park and expecting an Arlong Park 2.0 with Jinbei serving as an Arlong 2.0, a much stronger, more dangerous, more vicious version of Arlong to getting something SO MUCH BETTER! Well played Oda, well played! His speech to Luffy about the loss of Ace and what he still has now, is still one of my favourite moments and speeches in One Piece too!
Thinking about his character arc, all his choices, actions and such since then, it's INSANE! This man has done so much for Luffy, it's staggering and phenomenal, unbelievable! Also other insane and hype moments like standing up to Big Mom and calling her a "mere Yonko!" LMAO!