Holy fuck so much foreshadowing from TB is coming true
- Sanji's Hell Memories
- Zoro cutting fire
- Zoro's connection with Ryuma
Now we might be getting a Devil like transformation from Sanji
With Zoro back then telling Usopp not to excite Sanji anymore or he might turn into something, and now Zoro telling Sanji not to hold back
If Oda fucking planned this from the chapter he introduced Sanji
When he said he's ready to walk across any path, be it the paths of a Pirate or a
And then the hints he dropped through out the manga with Sanji saying that he will turn into the Demon/Devil of the Blue Sea if Enel lays a finger on Nami
And then his Devil's leg, and talking about how the Spices come from the Devil and his attack that finished off Jabra might have been a little too spicy
Is Oda legit doing this ? We gonna get Fallen Angel aka the Devil Sanji with wings and shit ?
If all of this TB stuff comes true than god damn we're in for a treat
Oda setting up so much hype shit for Sanji