What will happen till end of Wano?

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So Ushimaru doesn't have an eye scar, only Ryuma.

That's good, but his fighting style remembers Ushimaru, not Ryuma.

That's also good.

It's not like a simple line of inheritance between the three.

Please Oda, don't force it too much.

It follows "prophecy". Luffy essentially is the fated return of Joyboy. Zoro's essentially the same with Ryuma. Luffy is from the D. Clan, as is Joy Boy. Zoro is very likely a Shimotsuki.

It's good cause it shows that Zoro is likely a distant relative to Ryuma, since he resembles Ushimaru so much

Gorosei Informer

Zoro and King keep fighting. Suddenly, the edge of King's sword changes shape into something like a comb and King takes the 2 Zoro's swords from his hands. Then King pulls on his sword and snatches the 2 swords from Zoro, throwing them aside. Then King throws a powerful punch at Zoro's face. It seems that the blow has hit Zoro's face but he has managed to move his head in time and he has stopped the blow with the sword that he holds in his mouth.

Zoro: "Your battle style is curious...!!"

King: "There's no need for fixed form and style in real battle."

Zoro: "You're right.
Now I think about it, you never said you are a swordman..."

Zoro picks up the 2 swords that he had lost and returns to the fight.

Oda fucking destroying all made up fan logic built up for months. This shit is amazing.
I swear he knows what the entire community talks about most and is fucking trolling us all lol. He also said a certain small OP Youtuber is his favourite?
I just hope it ain't Morj for certain reasons regarding his takes about Wano especially...



Talent is something you make bloom.
All Oda needed to do was focus the SH's on this shitty raid.
I loved the fights against the Tobi Roppos (except Nami's, because that was garbage).
I'm LOVING this Zoro and Sanji fight.
Holy fuck dude.
Why, WHY did we waste so much time with these garbage ass scabbards? The only cool ones are the Dukes. Kinemon and Kiku were ok, but they dead. So we are stuck with the garbage ones.
1000% we will have a gag scene of adult Momo crying and running towards Nami's tits as if he was still a kid, and she KO'ing him. The most predictable joke ever.
Zoro: "If it's necessary I may need to win this battle biting your neck and tearing your windpipe...
Becouse I can't lose no matter what!!!"
This line if very important for these who think that King going be a another fodder. Zoro see him as strong opponent, see him as very strong threat, you know shit going happen if Zoro use such lines. And King is fucking still in base form and I like his fightstyle already. Prepare this fight could cover easily over 5-10 chapters(multiple fight scenes) before it ends. Perhaps it going to effect Flower Capital where Zoro need to save it from King wildfire.

This fight has the potenial to overcome Mr.1 fight.
Yeah, seems like Sanji's fire has nothing to do with King's for now :suresure:

all that crazy talk from both sides

me talking shit about Sanji getting carried by Judge

and the candies talking about Sanji becoming a sun God


We're fucking crazy
I still wonder where it comes from ngl. He can literally set his whole body on fire and we have no explanation for it lmao
Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 1,023: "As alike as two peas in a pod".

In the cover, Vivi is sitting atop a tree branch as some birds perch on her arms. Carue is angry downstairs (probably he's jealous of the birds).

Chapter starts where the previous one ended. Zoro and Sanji are standing in front of King and Queen, who are lying on the ground covered in a cloud of dust (both of them are conscious). Chopper is surprised to see the effect of the Mink's medicine, the subordinates of the Beast Pirates are also surprised to see Queen and King fall.

One of the Beast Pirates' subordinates points his gun at Zoro, but just before shooting him, Kawamatsu defeats him. Hyougorou tells everyone not to interfere with Sanji and Zoro's fight and to try to make no one from the other side do it.

Marco looks at King and Queen as they get up, and remembers a few words that Shirohige said to him.

Shirohige: "Long time ago, before the time of Mary Geoise,
there was a "country of god" above the Red Line."

While Marco was absorbed in his thoughts, some of the Beast Pirates' subordinates start shooting at him. However Izou arrives just in time and lunges towards Marco to prevent the bullets hit him. Izou shoots at Beast Pirates' subordinates as he leaves the place with Marco in his arms, telling him off.

Queen and King return to battle, then Queen raps.

Queen: "YO!!
Your attacks didn't affect me at all...
“Drought”, “Plague”, “Wildfire”!!
We are the 3 Calamities who protect Kaidou!!!"

Then Queen fires some laser beam at Sanji and Zoro, but they dodge them. Zoro realizes that something is wrong with Sanji.

Sanji: "After wearing the Raid Suit 2 times I feel my body is..."

Zoro: "Don't drag me down with you."

Sanji: "I'm not saying that!! It's just I feel something "weird"."

Zoro: "With your eyebrows?"

Sanji: "With my body!!"

As they speak, King lunges at Sanji with his sword, but Zoro stops him with his swords. Queen takes the opportunity and tries to attack Zoro with a new technique called “Bridal Grapper” (Bridal Heat Fist - ブライダル 熱拳) with which he turns the claw of his ponytail into a flaming claw. However Sanji steps in and blocks Queen's claw with a flaming kick. Queen laughs.

Queen: "You must be one of Germa's “cyborgs”!!
All of Judge children are “cyborgs”...
That legs are mechanical and can burn if you want it, right!?"

Sanji: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm 100% human!!!"

Queen: "Ehhh!?
Humans can create fire now!?
It's not like you're from “Lunaria race” or something!!!"

After saying that name we cut to King's face, he's listening to the conversation in silence. Sanji begins to spin flaming kicks at Queen as he defends himself with his arm with Busoshoku Haki and his claws. Queen ends by saying that it doesn't matter what Sanji is, since he is facing a cyborg that even Vegapunk cannot create.

Zoro and King keep fighting. Suddenly, the edge of King's sword changes shape into something like a comb and King takes the 2 Zoro's swords from his hands. Then King pulls on his sword and snatches the 2 swords from Zoro, throwing them aside. Then King throws a powerful punch at Zoro's face. It seems that the blow has hit Zoro's face but he has managed to move his head in time and he has stopped the blow with the sword that he holds in his mouth.

Zoro: "Your battle style is curious...!!"

King: "There's no need for fixed form and style in real battle."

Zoro: "You're right.
Now I think about it, you never said you are a swordman..."

Zoro picks up the 2 swords that he had lost and returns to the fight.

Zoro: "If it's necessary I may need to win this battle biting your neck and tearing your windpipe...
Becouse I can't lose no matter what!!!"

Hyougorou and Kawamatsu are watching Zoro and King battle. Kawamatsu says that Zoro is a formidable swordsman, Hyougorou says that he reminds him a lot of Ringo's lord, Shimotsuki Ushimaru, in his younger days. Even his fighting style is similar. They also say that Zoro returning Shusui, the sword of the legendary samurai Shimotsuki Ryuma, to Wanokuni must be fate. As King and Zoro continue fighting, we see an image of Ryuma where we see that his left eye was also damaged like Zoro's eye (he had a scar in his face too).

Cut to the 2nd floor of Onigashima castle. Jack and Inuarashi keep fighting, Jack is using his hybrid form. His legs are still mammoth legs but his torso and arms have human form (in fact he is using his swords). His head is a mix of his mammoth and human form, he maintains his large trunk and large fangs but has a smaller head and does not have mammoth ears.

Jack attacks Inuarashi with his trunk but, as happened in Zou, Inuarashi grabs it and throws him out of the room. They both fall into the courtyard where Ashura is unconscious. Inuarashi remembers the torture that Jack put him through on Zou and says that now all will gonna be different. Thanks to the huge hole in the ceiling opened by Kaidou, Inuarashi can transform into his Sulong form.

Cut to the outside of Onigashima castle, just after Nekomamushi's attack to Perospero. Before Carrot and Wanda's gaze, Nekomamushi approaches Perospero saying that he is going to avenge Pedro's death. Once he steps out of the shadows, the moonlight causes Nekomamushi to transform into his Sulong form before Perospero's frightened gaze.

On the 2nd floor of Onigashima castle, Raizo and Fukurokuju are still fighting. Fukurokuju tells Raizou that Wanokuni cannot trust a child as shogun, Raizou replies that he doesn't underestimate youth since "people can grow".

Cut to Wanokuni coast. Heart Pirates are upset, they have drawn their weapons and are pointing at “something” that reminds them a lot to Kaidou. In an amazing double page we see a giant dragon planted in front of Luffy. It's Momonosuke. Luffy remembers his first meeting with Momonosuke (when Momonosuke told him that he was not a prey).

Luffy: "Momo."

Momonosuke: "Indeed!!"

Momonosuke is now 28 years old, Shinobu has made him grow 20 years with her powers. Shinobu cries aloud as she remembers the moment when she raised Momonosuke. We only see a picture with Shinobu grabbing Momonosuke's arm, we can't see Momonosuke entire body. However, we can see that adult Momonosuke is taller than Shinobu (and she has more or less the same size as Luffy) becouse Shinobu's head in that picture reaches Momonosuke's elbow.

Shinobu: "Momonosuke-sama!!
He looks exactly like...!! "

Luffy and Momonosuke set off.

Luffy: "Come on Momo!!
Let's take back Wanokuni!!! "

Momonosuke: "Yes!!!"

King is about to betray kaido to help sanji, the same way gin betrayed don krieg for sanji
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