What will happen till end of Wano?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
For as much flack as Oda gets, one thing you can never say is that he can't draw fights. Do I wish he'd draw them more often? Yes.

But when he's drawing actual dedicated fights and not just skirmishes, there aren't many people outdoing him currently.
Did you read "Nami" vs Ulti?
U sure about that "never" part?
King the Real Monster

- Race hyped by real deal like Whitebeard, just like Katakuri's Future Sight was hyped by Rayleigh.
- Bodied Marco so hard that post-King-fight Marco turned into a sitting duck that needs to be rescued from fodder by Izo.
- Casually took 2 of Zoro's swords, meaning overpowering Zoro's grip of his swords in both hands.

Now your trolling has been backfired @Roronoa-sama :yasu:
"King is fodder because he loses his swords mid fight"
Now look at what King does to Zoro this chapter.

@TheAncientCenturion @Sentinel @playa4321 @Hanzo hattori
Wtf did I just see? Base King clashing and overpowering Santoryu Zoro with hardening? Fuck, King is a pure monster!
Queen seems to hard to beat being a cyborg of this level.
I don't know if vegapank can create something better or not but he is strong!! Sanji will evolve in order to put this guy permanently on the ground..
King is the king period. Oda kept him behind for a reason. Let's see him go all out with his hybrid later on.
Zoro and ryuma:steef: ...
No more theories, zoro is the reincarnation of ryuma the strongest dude on his time..
At least to fighting department zoro seems to spacial.
Ushimaru looks exactly like zoro with a ponytail, maybe zoro should leave his hair grow :goyea:.
Finally momo adult! I don't like the idea because i strongly believed that momo will be the strongest man in the future after training and experience but oda have his way and i respect it.
Let's see kaido having a heart attack when he sees oden looking silhouette and put to rest all those discussions about oden being a YC level character because kaido didn't use hybrid...:seriously:..
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