Is TACy a she or a he?

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Zoro is main man here, whatever others did, it doesnt matter, Zoro was always first, cause everything that Zoro did, he always did it in a badass way,... everything else doesnt matter,... just like how Zoro pretended by saying that all of their attack doesnt work on Kaido, he waited until hes half dead to use Asura to mocked other SN... Zoro is the only one who managed to cut Kaidos scale after Oden (forgot Scabbard), while Luffy tried to punched it many time, Law used Gamma, Killer used Sound, and Kid used his Punk, all Kaido did was pretended to get hurt by screaming... because scar is all matter, if only Luffy can scar someone by punching it, but no, Luffy need to use sword just like Roger and Shanks, if not, once Zoro realized that PK is also WSS
And this time no one will have probably managed to tackle Hakai

So what Zoro did is not even replicable :zosmug:
I am not worry about that, I wanna see great stuff now from Luffy&Zoro and I hope for Kidd&Law too (I am not so sure Oda will drop many chapter for Kidd and Law).
In any case the best come later, Yamato role was pretty good but we saw that she cant damage kaido in the way that Luffy&Zoro did.

So we will finally see the best from Luffy&Zoro in I hope the next 15chapters.
I see a scenario like this for the end: Luffy will beat Kaido (weakened) in 1v1 But Kaido does not die but is unconscious so Luffy has to win as against Rob Lucci but does not kill him. After beating King, and gaining information about his family being beaten by Kaido, Zoro slices Kaido and kills him.

After beating Queen, Sanji will take care of some members of the CPO and do a masterclass like at Alabasta and Enies Lobby.

The monster trio bounty will explode.
bruh fodders like luffy not strong enough to defeat kaido lmao did you read the spoilers?

yamato luffy combined best shot didnt made kaido FUCKING HUFF HUFF while halfseas zoro with broken bones one shot did it
that is why i say ZKK is wont get it...shhhh!!!
Even law & kidd is fighting a yonkou while luffy is back to rooftop for fighting kaido while your zoro is struggling with king...

Savour your sweet candy hakai for this arc, thats all...
& people need to stop tge disrespect on zoro seriously even now Yamato still has done nothing
Lmao yamato keep matching hybrid kaido in 1 vs 1 even put HYBRID rages kaido in his knee.
She Getting smacked here and there and doesnt even lost conciousness.this is again a hybrid kaido and 1 vs 1 fight.
On contrary zoro's strongest attack which is asura couldnt put kaido not even put him on his knee and that wasnt even in 1 vs 1 fight lmao
U do realize if it wasn't forchim taking bm & kaido attack he would have continue to out others
imagine writing an arc with land of samurai and making the samurais weak as fuck. the scabbards couldn't do shit. zoro couldn't do shit against kaido either. kaido is right. Oni deserve to order samurais around. in the land of samurai, zoro is not even fighting side by side with his captain. oda decided to give that honor to yamato a new character. zoro and other samurais have been disappointing as fuck.
from wano zoro will not even be viewed as luffy's right hand man. that honor goes to yamato now.

zoro used to be a cool character with his own motivation. when was the last time oda made zoro say " i am gonna be wss?" now all zoro does is sucking luffy's dick and fights equally with the pervert chef who doesn't even train. i bet when zoro sees yamato for the first time he will have "kuina ptsd", a girl who is stronger than him.

i was a zoro fanboy. not anymore. atleast sanji has other qualities. he can do other stuff. all zoro can do is fight and he can't even fight top tiers. pathetic
One of us one of us :steef: Welcome to the curly hat Pirates

Sasaki Kojirō

I don't believe ODA had to take kaido out of hybrid form for luffy to attack, because apparently hybrid kaido would handle the attack well, not that he didn't handle it well, but it would have been better.

The combined attacks made kaido lose his balance, that's all?:crazwhat::crazwhat::crazwhat:

ODA was really right in the interview, he still hasn't created a way to defeat WAIDO.

He keeps talking and looking at yamato as if nothing has happened after he gets a sledgehammer in the face...

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