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"Dreams are Messages from the Deep"
Thread is moving pretty slow, guess people are getting fed up of this Kaido business now, I bet most people here are already wondering how Elbaf is going to be, well i guess that's what week to week reading does to you, I know because i've been doing week to week since Act 1 of Wano in the manga, it wasn't really week to week thanks to the rampant breaks in-between chapters.
AL is coming for that avy lol. You better change it :suresure:


"Dreams are Messages from the Deep"
Luffy probably has the least bullshit powerup in any shonen.

Naruto becomes a god in the middle of a huge war, Ichigo suddenly foddering strong opponents, Deku suddenly has more than 1 quirk and so on
The Only Ichigo moment that was BS was FGT even though that was cool. Everything else has been fine.
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I still seethe about it but it really was funny
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It has been amost 10 years dude
With the anime coming back, there are still people on this forum who have not read the final arc. its more for them.


World's Strongest Swordsman
When? After Luffy finish his fight? Zoro is busy with King atm. Let’s not forget the medicine side effect will kick in soon so just forget it lol.
Lmfao what's luffy gonna do knock kaido down and just sit there
Kaido getting back up

So ? You acting like that's not there for zoro to power through
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