Strongest YC1

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Yeah but now Zoro isn't there lol

My sincere question relates this back to older arcs. Franky and Brook are entirely undamaged. In older arcs like Enies Lobby and DR, Franky wasn't in 100% health, just enough to keep functioning.

Right now Franky has his entire arsenal and personal body undamaged. I feel like Oda did this for a reason and only let Sasaki hurt his general armor. Same with Brook, no actual fight, no damage. Why? Jinbe is inherently fine too. Same with Nami/Usopp.

Imo that's just weird
I think that the BMP will just leave with Big Mom after she is "defeated", but maybe CP0 will try to take Robin and we'll see some fights against them?

Fighting fodder. They did what was required of them
Read my other posts. Fighting for fodder usually comes have a high diff battle that leaves the protagonists pretty vulnerable. None of then outside of Robin and Chopper are hurt that bad and it was done on purpose. Usopp is the only character that hasn't even done anything notable this arc lol.

Seriously, compare a fight like Franky vs Sasaki to Inu vs Jack. Im not talking about offscreening here, but the actual condition of the people who won. Inu is very clearly not in the same condition as Franky, if Neko is to go by. Yes they were beaten by Kaido, but I'd be convinced that they have nothing to do the rest of the arc BUT fight fodder.

With Franky and Brook, it's weird because they are not hurt. With Yamato, Jinbe, Nami and Usopp it's less so but they are all in conditions where they could theoretically fight more than fodder.

I doubt it's something as high as a Yonko (BM), but I also doubt it's something as low as basic fodder too.
I think that the BMP will just leave with Big Mom after she is "defeated", but maybe CP0 will try to take Robin and we'll see some fights against them?

I'm just hoping they come through, I personally see why it's not appropriate now to have them lead a group that protects Onigashimas entrance when it lands. It's the best way to end that crews relevance.

THEN they can take away BM lol
Read my other posts. Fighting for fodder usually comes have a high diff battle that leaves the protagonists pretty vulnerable. None of then outside of Robin and Chopper are hurt that bad and it was done on purpose. Usopp is the only character that hasn't even done anything notable this arc lol.

Seriously, compare a fight like Franky vs Sasaki to Inu vs Jack. Im not talking about offscreening here, but the actual condition of the people who won. Inu is very clearly not in the same condition as Franky, if Neko is to go by. Yes they were beaten by Kaido, but I'd be convinced that they have nothing to do the rest of the arc BUT fight fodder.

With Franky and Brook, it's weird because they are not hurt. With Yamato, Jinbe, Nami and Usopp it's less so but they are all in conditions where they could theoretically fight more than fodder.

I doubt it's something as high as a Yonko (BM), but I also doubt it's something as low as basic fodder too.
It dont matter if theyre not hurt. Theres no one else to fight. Theyre fighting fodder or numbers or shit. Nothing important.
How many times are you going to repeat the same bullshit lol?

Flampe disrespected Katakuri for his appearance, not his strength.

The Tobi Roppo disrespected King because he wasn’t strong enough to warrant their respect. Who’s Who was even excited at the idea of fighting King shortly before Jinbe annihilated him lol.

Just accept it bro, King is a complete disappointment and there’s nothing standout about his strength among commanders.
Lmao talk about desperation.
Toppi Robbo disrespect Calamities because of their personalities not because of their strength, kaidos crew is based on meritocracy where Toppi Robbo are fighting middle trio, Sasaki who supposedly "disrespected" King got wrecked by Franky. Same Franky Zoro had to tell this chapter to run away before King kills him.
Whose Who was acting as Queens bitch bringing Drake to him.
Even Ulti was "disrespecting" Kaido the same way Sasaki "disrespected" King.
Learn how to fucking read, even if you skim it don't say something that makes you come off as a moron.

Katakuri got spat on the face by fodder, his own caption doesn't respect his strength.
And he literally doesn't have feats to even tickle King or not get blitzed by him
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