Sanjis fight is not ending next chapter he’s obviously gonna get another power up for his AP. We will cut away just like with Zoro vs king.
These king and queen fights clearly are meant to last for awhile otherwise you wouldn’t have sanji do virtually no damage then basically die but be saved by germa genes
Also queen has his viruses.
Y’all gotta stop with expecting these fights to be like kaku and jabra when they aren’t meant to be at all
Agree, for Zoro and Sanji these fights are important, the monster trio need to proof themselve against Kaido and his two top guys. These fights going be like Luffy vs Katakuri, taking time.
Queen 1.32 billion bounty is finally justified

Can't believe some people thought doffy can compete with him
Doffy was lying down bleeding on his knee by a Red hawk, imagine all attacks which Queen easily tank so far, Doffy would be already heavy damaged. Queen is just build different.
Queen and King are damn tank, the gap between tobi roppo and them is insane
I hate this to say and even though Queen hype him, even Jack looking far behind King and Queen. Both could legit solo entire Flying six lol. King and Queen put some justice into the name of the calamity. Finally!!.
King and Queen are getting fleshed out fights while Jack got off-screened. Oda fucking hates this guy, lol.
Dude get clowned two times on his birthday!!
Oda let Jack defeat both times when Jack had his birthday, this saying enough how much Oda hate him xD.
Dude deserve it far better.