Who is Stronger?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
Btw BM "vs" Kid and Law is the most stupid fight ever written. It doesn't make any sense from any point of view.

Law and Kid not only don't care about her while they hold a grudge towards Kaido but Big Mom reached Wano just to kill Luffy. They aren't even strong enough to fight her. What is Oda thinking? :seriously:
Someone has to do it:kayneshrug:
at this point im pretty sure Wanjino will use raid suit in the future chapters and some shit eventually will happen to his body again. :crazwhat::crazwhat: @MonsterZoro @Doggo @Vinsmoke D. Zolo @SDfear @PuckTheGreat @playa4321
My though:
Sanji get sometime, Drake and Apoo showing up(my theory with Apoo becaming true) and stop Queen.
They show their best moves but still losing to Queen(which would hype Queen a lot for beating two Supernova at the sametime) and Sanji comeback as Evil version in RS>Queen get asskicked and use his trumpcard(IceOni or awakening+Plague)>Evil Sanji is in danger, good Sanji awake CoC and take his control of his emotions back>FInal stage of Queen vs Sanji where Sanji wins and beat Queen.
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