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When were you under the impression this game is..

Im sorry but this made me laugh 😂
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bad chapter.
the disrespect on zoro is so much.
so your telling me that fucking hyogoro can survive o-lin's attack with his feeble haki, but zoro can't survive being crashed into some rock.
You are right, when it comes to Zoro Oda must handle him with care. We don’t want to hurt the fragile egos of some of his fans.
If it wasn’t revealed that he’s BB or his importance as EoS enemy
People wouldn’t care about him

Montblanc Cricket has so many better moments than Blackbeard, yet barely people care about this goat
You can say the same for "Admirals" imu gorosei , Mihawk etc..

Conversely speaking If it wasn't BB no other character (maybe Shanks , Roger , Luffy) would say the same dialogue lol

If a random character mirrors Luffy ,If a whole town mocks at Luffy for believing in his dreams but a random character doesn't , if the whole town mocks at Luffy for not fighting back and losing and even nami doesn't understand why Luffy didn't fight back but a random character does and says he won , when whole town mocks at Luffy for believing in sky island while a random character believes it exist , when the whole town mocks at for believing in pirate era , one piece but a random character doesn't and believes age of pirates will never end and a man's dream never ends he ain't a random character but a special one cause in one piece world Dreams , Willpower >> anything

No random character can say that dialogue while getting mocked by people in a town called Mock town where people mocked for believing in their dreams
Zoro vs King is a runner up for one of the best fights in OP, I am already putting it over his EL fight.

I love the gag moments of the BP how they think the dinosaurs were capable to shoot their heads, disect from ones body or use their head as a helicopter like that actually happened in prehistoric days (Sasaki, Queen now King too).
WSS is skill + AP.
If you have skills you can cut anyone, that means Mihawk will cut King easily and since Mihawk's AP is ... well no need to explain.
If zoro already has all the skills with his actual AP, he would be close to his EOS powers.

Now think if Zoro learns how to cut King's body, what he will do if he meets Kaido next time :quest:
BOIIIII What a Post
kid has awakening and coc, and he is doing like 0 damage to kaido, just like killer. if you think make kaido screaming is a big deal then raizo is equal to them bcause he make hurt kaido couple times..

queen get up after playing possum, then sneak attack then freaking out rush sleeping bm to kaido. and dont you heard what he say?"if this monster wake up we are pretty much up dead so hurryyyyy " lmfao. and all he faces just mindless dfless bigmom lol. even in her sleep, queen knew he cant do shit against Big mom lmfao
Finally realised why Marco was sweating bullets here. His regeneration requires the blue flame to burn his wounds. Peros's candy arrow not only will pierce him but smother his flames and since they don't really burn, his fatal wound isn't regenerating and that's it for poor Marco.

Oh yes. Great chapter to return to. Always knew King would be a high difficulty opponent for Zoro since the very beginning. Looks like Oda is starting to build up why. Those flames are definitely part of the reason. Interesting that apparently his special trait is 'Durability' while Marco was 'Regeneration' and Katakuri was ' FS/Evasion'. Since that would mean he excels in a trait that his captain is famous;ly noted for. Which is odd to say the least. Personally think there is more to it and that it is actually something else. King is just trolling Zoro at this point and misdirecting him.

Apoo being a scoundrel is refreshing. But never thought this is how he and Drake would ally, albeit temporarily. Against CP0 no less. And unexpectedly looks like there is no love lost between the two supposedly allied associatiions, CP0 and Swords even though they are supposedly on the same side. Oda starting up the WG/Marines/Revos intrigue early then.

Yamato doing her thing and maybe with Fuuga and perhaps even Marco and Izo. Ok. I like Yamato. For obvious reasons. And 'unobvious' ones. Her existence predefines a major plotline of Wano as far as I am concerned. But this plotline? boring. Oda needed to have her do something big, but not too big as to overshadow Luffy and his wings, i guess. Just waiting for her eventual inclusion into the ranks of the SH's for now.

The whole Enma/Oden Sword matter was even more uninteresting. Seeing Hiyori on Onigashima was blahhh. Only thing that might redeem this sorry mess is if Oda goes thorugh with it and have her kill Orochi for real. But not getting my hopes up on that.
nice headcanon pre-ryou Luffy boundman will body Queen and King easily
This is one of the dumbest statements I've seen. Luffy would get destroyed especially by King. You're not going to beat King with just raw power because he's going to neglect the damage of your attacks.
Only reason Zoro got hit is because he was daydreaming about King's race, anyway another proof of King >>Kata>>>>>>Queen
Knew that King > Marco was clear and how Sanji bent King beak bullshit got debunked all in 1 chapter...
And also further proving my point of Dragon Kaido being his weakest form since Zoro cut him easily with Twister, so Oden's scar feat is nothing impressive against Zoro scarring Hybrid ( strongest shown Kaido form ), Sanji fans are in shambles EoW Lanji will just be Queen+, maybe EoS Lanji can be close a little to King.
Pre ryou bound man gets his shit beat from king or Queen luffy left wci barely yc1 the hell you talking about, :usoprice:zoro fought a serious kaido, & was doing good but now that same zoro who's a bit zoro can't even beat King & queen isn't far from king in strength your talking BS bruh king & queen would F kaido up much worst than zoro & law. :sanmoji:
Boundman is physically stronger than anyone on Wano, without exception. Base Luffy alone has physical strength EQUAL to Hybrid Kaido, as shown by their haki equalised sky splitting EQUAL clashes.
Boundman rocked Katakuri until he used FS hax to deal with it, King and Queen do not have such hax to protect themselves.

Zoro and Law didn't fuck up Kaido ...
He smacked the taste out of their mouth and sent them on their way as soon as he got serious and used adv CoC. What a clownish opinion to have.
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