Who should Dragoban ban next?

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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
The racist jokes are being taken too far Zoro, doesn't discriminate if you are an enemy or stand in his way regardless of race he was about to cut down a celestial dragon who have the highest social status in the op world without hesitation .
We have plenty of actual racists here, it’s just a matter of projecting their insecurities on a fictional character just like the anti-Yamato crowd. As someone once said of my own life, and it definitely applies here, “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” :laughmoji:
Not upset, just amused how some clowns like yourself be reading this manga
Lmao you're definitely seething:gokulaugh:

Nothing I said was untrue. It's odens spirit in the sword and he's gonna be the cause of zoros massive powerup.

It'll be just like ennies lobby. Losing the entire fight until the very end when an asspull PU comes into play
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I don't discriminate. I look down on everyone equally :cheers:
Everyone's a pos so that's fair.
We have plenty of actual racists here, it’s just a matter of projecting their insecurities on a fictional character just like the anti-Yamato crowd. As someone once said of my own life, and it definitely applies here, “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” :laughmoji:
I was thinking about that i will have to look out for the users who push this the most:believe:
The racist jokes are being taken too far Zoro, doesn't discriminate if you are an enemy or stand in his way regardless of race he was about to cut down a celestial dragon who have the highest social status in the op world without hesitation .
Yeah but Zoro is Anti-Christian. He fought a guy with a bible and wants to fight one with a cross. He also said he never prays to god.
It doesn't increase anything it wastes more haki than he wants.
No he never used any haki at all on that first kaido hit probably because he was holding back enma wasting it. So he had to let it go.
Haki on a sword obviously increases its power and you gon tell me that more haki does not lead to more power (what CoC coating basically is)?
So the cliff scene wasn't meant to showcase the devastating power of such a huge haki release, granted he just put in the necessary strength to just cut up a fuckin tree..?
So Hiryu Kaen and Tatsumaki weren't actually AP boosted, even though it was visually highlighted and is totally coherent with how the manga portrays "more haki= more power".

Funny how you even conradict yourself.
You said he's at first restricting it and then notices that it's doing jackshit to Kaido, so he decides to let it go wild a little in order to gain what exactly- in order to do what exactly?
Gain enough power to hurt Kaido right?
So you tell me what is happening within those scenes where he creates that necessary and newfound power? We do see him releasing a shit ton of extra haki on Enma via Enma's gimmick, WITHOUT the arm crippling drawback -the actual freakin drawback- don't we?
We know he could have also just gone for normal hardening, which he does right at the beginning vs King, same he did with his other two swords, but he obviously didn't, so why?
Is it perhaps because that huge ass haki release generates a shit ton of extra power, something he was in need for and something that boosted both attacks tremendously?

You see he has the capability to use Enma w/o haki, to use it just with hardening and to use it with that haki cloud release, all w/o the original drawback at all. Is he doing the latter just for the lols..?

It's obviously the major PU he got out of all that, right after he got rid off the real drawback via training with/mastering Enma.

So stop talking major BS, mate. That's just ridiculous at this point.


Zoro Worshipper
No feats put King over Katakuti


All stats that matter put Katakuti over King

Bruh. The very moment King bypasses Katakuri's FS that is the moment Katakuri gets annihilated.

He was getting destroyed by a Pre ACoA Snakeman Luffy, his durability is nothing special. I mean realistically Luffy's AP was massively less proficient than Current Zoro's at the time but that was sufficing.
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