Has Queen been defeated?

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hence you can say that king is a really good swordsman.
Or his sword is a secret O wazamono :crazwhat:
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Sanji's PUs shouldnt have drawbacks because he's weak, Zoro can survive deadly explosions because his haki is too strong he doesn't need trash LexoskeLeton. aside from that Zoro is now consuming CoC and CoA haki that's a huge drawback
you need therapy


bruh zoro is literally using his own life force to channel that much haki into swords lol.

like he said himself, it'll be fatal if he does this for long duration.
And he is already running on borrowed time as his body woulfbe completely fucked without the medicine. He will be sooo destroyed when this is over.:ronalugh:
Now I'm starting to see why people say Sanji is a great character, a random prostitute shows up and coincidentally she has a pet mouse, boom instant classic on the same level as betraying his friends, kicking Luffy in the mouth, poisoning Zoro's food, leaving the weak SHs to their luck to go chase prostitutes, selling out Robin, it just keeps on giving. :crazwhat:
Reminder that Fujitora’s observation is so strong that he can literally read minds

And his defense is so strong that he can block in bound meteors with brute force:

He can lift an entire country of rubble:

Affect objects in interstellar orbit:

Continue your slander, but when Oda references from Madara from Naruto with Fujitora by having him fodderize an entire army of high tier pirates and drop moons I’ll be laughing.
I think the TalkOP translation is wrong

The ''風脚 '' it's for ''jambe'' - leg

He translated this to ''wind foot'' :kaidowhat:
Cause he's not translating it to French. The dude is Chinese I believe so he's just taking Kanji (i.e. Chinese characters) and translating them into literal english).

Tbh I think its gonna be Diable Vent or something. Or maybe a 3 word name.
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