Ain't my fault is people can't handle the truth
And you're seriously trying to lecture me? Lmao come on man, you just proved that you don't actually read more than half of my comments then assume I said things I never said
Please just stop being an idiot, and yes, I think making statements like this is a bright idea, you are just getting triggered about it
Lmao, this whole argument is beyond pathetic, can we actually call this an argument when you're putting words in my mouth?
I never said king doesn't have CoA, I specifically said he does
I replied to a comment mentioning the gap between King and queen, but your dumbass didn't even bother to read the comment I replied to and said that no one was mentioning the gap between the two
You lost your credibility from that point and kept digging your grave deeper
Now I'm correcting my mistake? Seriously? I'm just repeating my previous statements, please stop embarrassing yourself like that and go read my comments