What is King’s real name?

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Kitetsu Wanker
King = doesn't have CoC
Kata = has CoC (even though he doesn't use AdvCoC attacks)
King = doesn't have FS
Kata = has FS

If Zoro(!!!) was able to discover how King's abilities work, why wouldn't Katakuri that figured out how Snake-man works in minutes?
Kata > King
What good will it be if he discovers how King's abilities work when his healing punches couldnt put down veteran-level base Luffy? :cantseeme:
One thunder bagua lol, this is Zoro we are talking about not dog shit Luffy. After taking entire Hakai and scarring Kaido he was unable to even move yet thunder bagua had one job just one and that was to K.O Zoro and it failed to do even that. Hell that dog shit attack failed to K.O even Kinnemon.

Zoro would eat a 100 of those and then it would take just one Shi Shi Son Son to take Kaidos head off.

More like Zoro was struggling with Enma more than with King lmao, yet nerfed Enma Zoro tore Kaidos ass apart on top of carrying the dead weight that is Luffy and other super turds.

Now imagine if Zoro doesn't have 5 nerfs (4 superturds and one Enma) and has an Advanced CoC buff, Zoro rips him in half.

And talk about being pinnacle of dishonesty not acknowledging thst Kaido was white eyed, screaming like a bitch coughing literally buckets worth of blood from Tatsumaki one of his weakest attack that King no sold.

Was legitimately shitting his pants against CoC less Haryu Kaene and was ripped in half by 30 broken bones nerfed Zoro.

When you are ready to stop being dishonest hit me up and I'll embarass you with panels
Lmao, Zoro was getting his dick busted by non-AdCoC attacks by King. AdCoC attacks from Kaido would ruin his life.

You guys contradict yourself at every turn. Hype up how powerful Zoro is now because he has AdCoC, and yet turn around and in the same breath trash AdCoC when another character way more powerful than Zoro uses it.

You wanna talk about living in fantasy land, when yall have your own special rules for the manga that only apply to Zoro. Lol
King = doesn't have CoC
Kata = has CoC (even though he doesn't use AdvCoC attacks)
King = doesn't have FS
Kata = has FS

If Zoro(!!!) was able to discover how King's abilities work, why wouldn't Katakuri that figured out how Snake-man works in minutes?
Kata > King
Zoro is much stronger than Kata. :datas:
Kaido can be stabbed and sliced, as trivial as this sounds Katakuri can't do shit to Kaido or King or anyone that matters because he's weak and made of glass. :kobeha:
Jack was "done" after being defeated by Sulong Duke and Neko.

Low and behold, he came back.

That's pretty much what Zoan awakening is implied to do. No matter how much you knocked down and defeat an awakened Zoan, they will get back up and keep coming.

Of course Oda can just go the route of not giving the Calamities awakening, but that's rather suspect considering these are some of the Strongest Zoan users in the World, meanwhile the Jailer beast of Impel Down have it.

Like when else is the perfect opportunity for Oda to use Zoan awakening? In another arc down the road, with less reputable Zoans?
They DON'T HAVE awakening. Law/Kid are taking down a Yonko, and they can BARELY use it. Law/Kid >>> Calamities at this point.

Luffy is fighting Kaido 1 v. 1 and he has 0 signs of awakening, but he's going to show Jack with it? The guy hasn't even shown basic CoA hardening.
I think its also very telling that less people care about it ending in one chapter compared to Sanji. There was clearly a desire for that fight to continue because it felt lackluster.
I feel like it's the opposite

By far, most people thought Sanji vs Queen would take another chapter to end, so they were 100% sure that Zoro vs King would be the same

But now that both of these fights ended when anyone expected them to end, people are accepting the reality, even them wanting more. It is what it is

Both fights finished together basically, in consecutive chapters
Why not? He is literally called King. "So you intend to be a King then" also hinted he might have CoC.

Perhaps Oda is showing lineage is important to get CoC. Lazy bum Katakuri inherited CoC from his mother, but couldnt achieve AdCoC because he was too busy flirting with Brulee.
I don't know how many times this has to be stated. The card title "King" has nothing to do with Haoshoku, which is Supreme Lord/Overlord.

His line to Zoro was "You want to be a king/overlord or something?"... The "or something" implies it's something of a different nature to himself.
The kanji on Zoro new attack has apparently the "Conquerors " word so let's see.

Btw if he still doubts that he has CoC but uses attacks with the world "conqueror" I'll laugh.
These attack names are confirmed by redon https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/for...iler-summaries-and-images.19872/#post-2237359
Now if Zoro doesn't use COC in this chapter idk why he suddenly started to add "閻王". I like Zoro but I'm not a fanatic so I don't remember every of his attack but I'm pretty sure it is indeed new.
looks bleak...7 at best and its the most given zoro development and King face reveal
Queen being disappointing tho.
Honestly the only good apart about queen was his personality and ap. Invisibility was kinda broken for anyone but sanji. The whole fight isnt great when compared to other sanji fights. But definitely his best fight post ts and better than some pre skip fights
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