What is King’s real name?

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World's Strongest Swordsman
I am reading these spoilers and it doesn't make that much sense
Queen can't be down, he is still yet to use awakening and his viruses
What was all that bravado King showed when Zoro displayed adcoc?
King's coc and awakening??
What about Enma turning black???
Enma turns black when the dragons head comes off.
Even with something as broken as FS he couldnt give base Luffy a good shot with his trident while fighting him for over 12 hours. Katakuri speed if fucking trash.

Are you even reading the same manga? look at the destruction Kings atacks are causing...Meanwhile katakuri couldnt KO Luffy after pounding him multiple times, even Apoo and base Sanji could Ko Luffy. Katakuri Ap is complete garbage.

Yes, King beats him in endurance and stamina, he can regenerate the damage he takes and his stamina while he fights because of his his ancient zoan DF. Katakuri cant do that.
Serious Luffy is a speedster that Killer completely lost track of.
Well above Zoro/King.
Well he never fought advCoC Zoro that's why
Fighting weak trash like Yamatrash Scabbards don't count.

Last time advCoC Zoro even popped out for a second, Kaidos body took a permanent scar. Now imagine what Full on AdvCoC Zoro would do.

You don't need to look to far just go back to Oden flash back. Kaido will get scarred both mentally and physically.
Tho Zoro will kill him too
Ah man, really? Kaidou wasn't focusing on him, yep on the strongest in that rooftop who was Luffy.
Even if Snakeman did insignificant damage to King, King would need to transition into his faster, yet less durable form to keep up with Luffy, allowing weaker attacks to cause more damage.
No he doesn't lmao.
Even if King can't keep up with Snakeman without speed buff, King can literally just sit there and drink some tea while Luffy is losing his stamina lmao
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