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Kadio fans evolution

‘’Before wano arc : kadio is unhurt by admiral attack and can’t bleed from them. Admirals can’t sctract him.

Wano arc act 1 : kadio dragon form is weakest, base kadio > zoan dragon form. Hur dur base kadio one shot gear fourth luffy.

kadio vs 9 samurai : can’t decide which form is weaker : dragon or base . They think kadio base form is stronger than zoan dragon form. Base kadio beat 9 samurai.

Rooftop action : base kadio start to change dragon form after getting hit by 5 rooftop people. Dragon form must be > base , not wait I am confused.

Kadio fans: just you wait for hybrid form , it will be real battle and one shot everyone.

‘’Reality: hybrid kadio got out speed by broken bones and got new scar from zoro . Base luffy match on hybrid kadio without going gear fourth.

Luffy got defeated by kadio - kadio fans yess and we will have raid fail theory to be true. Yay

Luffy rise up and told momo kadio is liar. Luffy say he will be best kadio.

Luffy vs hybrid kadio rematch and still base luffy match hybrid kadio.

Kadio fans: just you wait for hybrid form, not I mean you wait for awaking power, no I mean you just wait for lurking legend as kadio stronger brother or his father, not I mean you just wait for kadio awaking dead form.

Kadio final form of awaking power :


Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes

At this rate, EoS Luffy will give Kaido a worse treatment than the one Kaido gave him in chapter 923 lol. Not that I didn't expect a big power escalation but his growth rate has been insane. Zoro is an absolute monster as well right now.

@Van Maybe Oda has decided to go with what you wrote and will give Burgess better physical feats than BM lol.
I don't have a clue what you're talking about lol

At this rate, EoS Luffy will give Kaido a worse treatment than the one Kaido gave him in chapter 923 lol. Not that I didn't expect a big power escalation but his growth rate has been insane. Zoro is an absolute monster as well right now.

@Van Maybe Oda has decided to go with what you wrote and will give Burgess better physical feats than BM lol.
Jesus burgress hype is real :finally::finally::finally:
ual, a picture of big mom vs kid and law.

is the fight over? over the next few weeks we'll see the real fight between big mom and captains, and you'll disappear from the forum.
sure I am waiting for 2years :ihaha:, I remember the 3 captain on the rooftop taking the spotlight right :milaugh:?
Ops didnt happen right:suresure:?
I remember Kidd going for Kaido with the big Katana and killing Kaido right:suresure:? Ops didnt happen


World's Strongest Swordsman
Oden wasn't killing anyone in two hits. Boy could barely beat Ashura Doji about two hits.
Hawkeye's superior ap was nowhere to be seen in MF. Jozu ate his attack, Luffy easily dodged his attack and Vista...:virusprot:
Current Luffy could barely dodge Kaido's Bagua. Current Luffy would dance around Hawkeye easily

Oh so now Kaido ran a 16 man gaunlet. I thought Luffy and the Scabbards did little to no damage to Kaido so why does that matter all of a sudden?
I could care less if Kaido ran through the whole new world. The fact is Luffy is gna defeat a Hbrid Kaido in his prime in coupla minutes. That is less time it took Hawkeye to defeat...oh wait, his only notable win is against Krieg:shame:
Oden in one hit clapped kaido out the sky
Oden before the hag saved kaido was above kaidos neck about to finish him with only his second hit.

Sure. He didn't even use haki. We will see mihawks superior ap when zoros reached the level to fight him which is above yonko shanks

No he Knocking kaido down for 5 mins before he gets up and gets his head sliced off.
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