Do you believe these spoilers ?

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@Zowo @HA001 @Rekien

This is funny because every time Zoro does something decent to spectacular there's always someway for people to downplay it or make something up about it, but Zoro fans are the only ones that overreact in everyone elses' eyes LOL

Or when something happens that remote is bad he gets trashed 5x worse
This thread started with mfs downplaying zoro:milaugh: when spoilers dropped
I can give you real character developments Luffy has had over this arc alone as a leader. From the Udon prison, and his way of handling things. Yet you zoro fans would just chalk it up to “I’m gonna be pirate King” shit, and be reactionary for the latest chapters alone with him smiling with Kaido.
No you cant, because he didnt went through any. Thats not a bad thing, Luffy was a reckless idiot before Udon and he is still a reckless idiot now, but thats part of the character's charm.

Luffy is definely the character that went through most character development through the series and thats only to be expected as he is by far the character with most pannel time and was a complete idiot at the start of the manga to the point where he almost killed himself, not to mention the ammount of pain he used to put his nakama on before the TS, but that is completely irrelevant to the argument, as the innitial discussion was about how you vomited on your keyboard and said Zoro didnt had any character development.

Zoro saying Luffy would be PK is not a character development either, its a well known fact he has faith in Luffy for a long time now, if anything it only reinforces how and why he is Luffy's most dependeable nakama. There has been over 1000 chapters o this manga, theres a limit on how much characters even can deveop.
I don't remember much but either way i feel like everything has more fans than minato does🗿
So i imagine every being more annoying toxic because of how general it is but minato vs itachi being alot more personal toxic
I remember Minato vs Itachi was so big in my country, we got basically a thread dedicated to it that spanned for like 3 years with close to ten of thousands comments that made Worst Gen sounds like Kindergarden :few:
I wonder when Luffy destroys onigashima along with Kaido, with a giga chad KGG, wonder where Zoro fans will stick their heads?
destroy onigashima no I think rather that his finisher will destroy kaido and the wano waterfall which will facilitate the opening of the country

and kid with his awakened power will lay the wano islands on the sea


Talent is something you make bloom.
I remember Minato vs Itachi was so big in my country, we got basically a thread dedicated to it that spanned for like 3 years with close to ten of thousands comments that made Worst Gen sounds like Kindergarden :few:
You know......if you think about it, maybe that thread was the actual kindergarten. Know what I mean?
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