Could anyone help explain how we should not consider Luffy vs Kaido a biggest asspull.
Luffy just go from getting oneshot by Thunder Bogua in 4th gear to toe-to-toe with Kaido in base form and can easily tank Kaido superior attacks multiple times. This perhaps happens in less than a week. Kaido's hype also becomes trash for the sake of MC.
Zoro vs King is incomparable much more legit. people are really insufferable bunch....hate for the "sake" of hating.....
I got the same feeling when Zoro withstand combined yonko attack for a moment when he got fainted for way "weaker" attack from combined attack from yonko can't even make sword getting small nick....this "actually" happened within a week compared to Luffy which actually happened two weeks earlier....
Also, the same thunder bagua didn't even KO "unguarded" and "heavily injured" Zoro....but you turned a "blind" eye because it is Zoro....
Luffy atleast got KOed from or dodging the strong attacks before coating or blocking with CoC.........oh, in your own "interpretation", Kaido hype became "trash" way before when Zoro "scared" Kaido....
Zoro vs King is as "legit" as Luffy vs Kaido....
finally, cope more.......