Who is the skeleton / Whats the purpose?

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LMFAO, I can't hate on such a brilliant idea for us and himself honestly. I was planning on a yuge donation, a small loan of a million dollars to make WG great again I mean as a thank you and celebratory donation for a while now tbh.

Ive been here for a long time now and I'm very grateful for this place tbh.
How much money I'm willing to invest for a sexy Perona theme?
No I dont think so. If Kid and Law are supposed to be the rivals of Luffy, I'd expect them to get atleast 4/5 chapter long fights especially since they are fighting against a Yonkou.
At this point Law care more about finding out the Ds than being PK.
Kidd still does but in terms of rivals he can try and keep close in strength to luffy ( still he crew totally out class )
But then again everyone far behind luffy in term of being PK cause he got robin so he already cheating lol .
Honestly I was so desperate to see Kuinas ghost appear from Wado this arc somehow and Tashigi would have met her too, sigh. But Tashigi is meant to be the same age as Kui a would be now? Another Lola and Chiffon situation sort of? Twins?
Possibly. With their history and all it's even possible they sent one kid away to protect her.


Zoro Worshipper
I genuinely believe at least Imu is at least but I've suspected the Gorosei are especially before Imu. Their dialogue last chapter might suggest they are not immortal though.
Maybe Im sama's secret Doffy wanted to unravel has to do with his immortality 🤔 perhaps it's Ope Ope no mi immortality this is why Doffy knew about it and coveted to possess Law's power at all costs.


The Rogue Prince
At this point Law care more about finding out the Ds than being PK.
Kidd still does but in terms of rivals he can try and keep close in strength to luffy ( still he crew total out class )
But then again everyone far behind luffy in term of being PK cause he got robin so he already cheating lol .
Law is as good as Luffy's lackey by this point.
  • Bigger Mom upper-mid diffed Awakened Kidd and Awakened Law. (Both are inbetweeners)
  • Big Mom mid diffed or upper-low diffed base Law and base Kidd
  • Olin 2 shotted Queen ( high high tier)
  • Nerfed Linlin choking Marco like fodder
  • She no sold G4
  • She no diffed Judge (mid high tier), Yonji and Niji
  • Base Linlin Low diffed Big Father (upper-low high tier)
  • Base linlin matched base Kaido for 3 days
:milaugh:and they said she's below Posthawk & Admirals :moonwalk:

Only Kaido & WB have better combat feats
In fact WB doesn't have more Ws than her.
Big Mom sucks. She's the weakest and worst Yonko.

Kid and Law with awakening aren't in-betweeners. They haven't even proven to be stronger than Katakuri, the weakest YC1. The second they used their awakening attack that has similar attack power to Zoro's Dragon twister they injured her and she used a life. That's not a good look.

She does beat non-awakening Law and Kid together. That's the only great thing she's done so far.

She couldn't knock out Queen. He got back up and knocked her out and caught her.

Big Mom and her crew couldn't stop king. He stopped them, knocked off the ship and almost killed her.

Her choke did absolutely nothing to Marco. She had an even clash with him, relied on help from her son, ran away from him and told her she didn't have no power to use against him. Runaway Big Mom is pathetic.

Wow, she defeated a none YC1 Luffy and the Vinsmoke family who at the most are low Commander level. Good for her.

She fought Kaido for 3 days and couldn't even damage him. No wonder he doesn't consider her one of the great pirates. That tells us everything we need to know about her.

Big Mom is just an empty shallow of her former self. All she really has going on for her now is her durable body. You take that away from her and there goes 50% of her strength.

Mihawk and the admirals beat her.
Big Mom sucks. She's the weakest and worst Yonko.

Kid and Law with awakening aren't in-betweeners. They haven't even proven to be stronger than Katakuri, the weakest YC1. The second they used their awakening attack that has similar attack power to Zoro's Dragon twister they injured her and she used a life. That's not a good look.

She does beat non-awakening Law and Kid together. That's the only great thing she's done so far.

She couldn't knock out Queen. He got back up and knocked her out and caught her.

Big Mom and her crew couldn't stop king. He stopped them, knocked off the ship and almost killed her.

Her choke did absolutely nothing to Marco. She had an even clash with him, relied on help from her son, ran away from him and told her she didn't have no power to use against him. Runaway Big Mom is pathetic.

Wow, she defeated a none YC1 Luffy and the Vinsmoke family who at the most are low Commander level. Good for her.

She fought Kaido for 3 days and couldn't even damage him. No wonder he doesn't consider her one of the great pirates. That tells us everything we need to know about her.

Big Mom is just an empty shallow of her former self. All she really has going on for her now is her durable body. You take that away from her and there goes 50% of her strength.

Mihawk and the admirals beat her.
You done crying?
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