Who did more damage to Linlin?

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Now, if Oda wants to make the community lose it

Show us Big Mom getting up and healing herself by the end of the next chapter, when Law and Kid thinks they are done

That would be really a twist which no one could expect.
Like she healing and comiing back uff...
Just imagine, final panel of the chapter.

Kid and Law all bloodied and fucked up, helping each other walk out of the battlefield, and we see a giant shadowy figure of Big Mom standing behind them as they walk away.

That would be dope asf.
As I said that would be really dope, the problem is, if she comeback, Oda would probably show off her awakened skills and they could be very broken. Also Kid and Law are at her limit, if she comeback, they are done for sure!!
Based on anything, she is clearly done.
I fricking told you, Sen-chan! @Sentinel
"Law's country-level feat"...

Nami might accidentally replicate it if she squeezed the Clima tact hard enough. :saden:

Yes, it is still possible.
Zoro stealing Kaido from Luffy.
Luffy stealing Meme from Law'n'Lidd.
Well, Zoro's part is inevitable, the other, who knows. :milaugh:
Lmao, country level feat my arse. But compared to hole fujitora make with meteor on green bit dressrosa, which one bigger?.
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