Who did more damage to Linlin?

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Um ok never asked if you weren't just asked why he would have to update his list further?

Well that's not true you may have a point. I think he should put zoro and law higher. I think he should out sanji lower.

So instead of zoro and then sanji. It should be zoro, law, king, sanji/kidd
So clearly if I’m a law fan you think I care that he has Law over Kid?

the issue is how low he had them
Reminder Wano is bigger than DR
Way bigger than PH.
Onigashima is as big as MF Island or so
Law was able to affect onigashima and even Wano!
That's WB tier feat! Kidd showed Country level AP too.

Rock trio :
DC : WB >BM > Kaido
AP : Kaido >= WB > BM >~ Sickbeard
AoE : WB > BM > Kaido
Haki : WB > Kaido >~ BM >> Sickbeatd
Endurance: Kaido >= BM > WB
Stamina: Kaido >~ BM >~ WB >> sickbeard
Physical strength: BM >= Kaido > WB > Sickbeard

(Linlin doesn't seem to use adcoc as much as kaido so that's not really her forte)
I believe he started to hate Kid once Kid decided to go after Big Mom, he really wanted Kid to help Luffy against Kaido.
Would much rather Kidd defeat a separate Yonko than have to share one with Pirate Jesus. You already know it’s going to be Luffy/Law vs Doffy all over again. Kidd would get the Vegeta treatment to make Luffy look good lol


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
I don’t want to go around calling people stupid, but I think it’s like super obvious that admirals ~ Yonko.

Like I would bet at least a grand at this point.
Let's be honest. The Marines really should be stronger. They have better resources, better training and better discipline but for some odd reason, Oda has the Yonkos looking like the more powerful faction. Big Mom has never trained a day in her life and yet she looks more menacing and powerful than every current admiral.
Still advcoc is what the previous top tier generation used in their clashing mostly fight, Roger White beard, probably rox too.
Certain advcoc is what Kaido is praising not df awaking.
Because ACoC isn't that strong. Awakened attacks are usually high end attacks, final trump cards for most characters.
The fact Luffy got ACoC before awakening shows you which one is stronger.

Anyways the argument my post made didn't talk about any of those characters. Just yamato. I was trying to prove Kid and Law can deal with ACoC, which they absolutely can since they just defeated an ACoC(who was basically confirmed to have used it off screen)
I have a strange feeling that you gents should wait until 1040. There literally a shit ton bigmom didn't do with her souls including that thing that happened when luffy was fighting her in whole cake and he was being drained of energy.


This is a shonen surpassing your limits is always a thing
yeah, but in a good shonen you would get training arcs and moments of them failing to surpass their limits first, before just breaking a limit that was just introduced to us
The fight would be a lot more better if Oda gave more focus to it and showed more from Big Mom.

But nope only the SHs should get all the focus when it comes to the fights.
Yep Big Mom legit just act like a punching bag the entire onscreen fight. Why couldnt Oda have at least shown her dominating Kidd and Law like she supposedly did offscreen.

She did not come off as impressive at all this fight
I was saying myself wano couldny be worst than it . Yes it become . Totally trash writing . One of yonkou figting without advanced haki . Big mom feels nothing against luffys g4 atttack by using just coa . But now , just in laughting , if devil fruit is enought to yonkou , i can say shanks is the weakest yonkou and zoros adcanced coc has been totally garbage .
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