Who did more damage to Linlin?

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𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
Imagine taking informations from the most famous forums in the world for licking zoro. Didnt you know that the majority in this forum thinks zoro is the main character?

i bet if the mods put zoro on it, zoro will win it
I don't see Zoro in the poll. You are seriously depressed.

More than twice the amount of people disagrees with ur dumbass. Guess TAC and others Zoro fans for life.
Something with Big Mom has to change after this fight, because I think this is the last we see of her as an antagonist.

But she will remain relevant in the future because of her dream. There's nothing stopping from regaining her status if the BM pirates were to just take her back to WCI. She would still have all the resources/territories and her kids which make up her crew (except Pero).

So something has to change with her soon otherwise there'd be no point to this fight, if Law and Kid were trying to drag the "yonko" Big Mom from her throne.
There are levels

Zoro needs adcoc to finally knock Kaido/BM off their feet by using his top 3 moves including Ashura

Luffy, Kidd and law doing it without their ultimate moves
Now with their finishers, they do even crazier stuff

SN trio are monsters as kaido said

:kuzanshut:BM challenged Kid after tanking law attack again
Tells you whom Oda still viewed as stronger
So now Zoro was using aCoC in the rooftop?

Can Ndule get more irrational than this?…..let's wait his next comment.
But the thing is here they don't even use haki to make their strongest attacks. It seems very weird to me. I can see that law's haki is invisible one as we saw it in punk hazard. but even kidd's haki is invisible? Bigmom is not using haki to defend herself that's for sure. But i agree with you you don't need a ad conq haki to become top tier.
The bull had haki last chapter as I recall, also it’s fair play to assume that they always use haki. Oda doesn’t need to always add hardening effects, why would haki users on this level not use basic haki
The emag canon might not need haki though as it could have such potent AP


The 2 captains next to Luffy aren't allowed to beat a Yonko while Luffy beats one on his own?
Without any haki? just by using Devil Fruits? The Yonko that said couldn't be damaged at all for over 200 chapters already, without using poison or something.

Luffy also shouldn't be beating a Yonko by himself either, it's not just this chapter, but One Piece's power scaling as a whole is going haywire.

Luffy that was getting knocked out by Kaido left and right, just because he unlocked Adv. CoC, can now go 1 v 1 against Kaido in base form, while Kaido keeps changing hybrid / base / zoan / drunken mode.

This is fucking crazy, it makes no sense at all.

If you think it works, good for you, but to me the way both Yonkou's are losing look dumb asf.

Just look at how the community saw the Yonkous before this arc, most people felt like it would take a bunch of people fighting at the same time like a boss fight for a long ass time to beat them.

Luffy taking 8 hours to defeat Katakuri and 12 hours do defeat Cracker just one arc ago, while Zoro and Sanji defeat their YCs in less than 15 minutes.

Can't you see how nuts this is?

and now after all the portrayal the Yonkous and Admirals have, Oda will still try to make the Admirals stronger than the Yonkou going forwards, which is fucking crazy, because the power system of the world makes no sense then, why didn't the Marines just take them out?

If Kid's Devil Fruit of Magnetism can defeat Big Mom without haki, i'm pretty sure Light Logia + Gravity Paramecia should fuck her up easy.
I expected better tbh. Big Mom was seen as this person who cannot be damaged in WCI. "Iron Balloon" remember that? They made a whole big thing about cracking a picture frame just to hurt her. Now shes taking brunt force attacks by Kidd and somehow its working all of the sudden. Law I can understand cause he's damaging from within. His DF has always been beyond op. Kind of wanted Oda to give Kidd more here instead of giant mechs and now some type of cannon. Ah well...
How does the context not matter?
idgaf about your dumb headcanon but all I have to say is this. If you ever read a story before you know this shit is over. Law talking about the new era feats the themes of OP and Big Mom put the nail in her own coffin by saying "you can't beat me"

you are either dumb or on extreme copium
Nah you trolling

No proof she defeated this chapter
And as stated by the chapter both doing damage is the reason she going down (law being her insides which makes it easier for kids to damage her externally).

She got up from kidds attack last chapter brushed it off kept fighting and law had to set up yet again this chapter. And now we have no confirmation so far that kids Last attack put her down lol
that headcanon, the bull is just a metal box crushing into the target (there is no magnetism on Mom) so it just the pressure of the bull.
Come on let be real, I know you want to defeand some feat but that trash is undefeadable. Pica would break 50 bones on mom?
We don´t know if he pull out in last second his awakening on BM or not.
Saying only the pressure did the damage is wrong for now, we need to see the panels.
Kid could do in last sec on BM and hit him with full magnetic power.

As I said we need to see the chapter, if the feats are really looking good(liike country lvl), yeah for sure Kid and Law getting the best feats here.
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