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Redon is such a joke, really.

Should I spoiler sth for you, redon: What you were doing for years was nothing else - it was illegal.

Leaked images are just that: Leaked images.

There is no better or worse there.

Raws from the official scans or way too early magazin pics - it's both not legal, period.

You literally haven't been respecting the official release for years and now you whine about those faster leakers not having respect?

Lmfao, what a joke.

Him crying around for not being the first one to get the leaks is just so telling once again, as is the pathetic Shueisha excuse.
I doubt it has anything to do with morals, legality or respect for toei/shueisha.

The dude has been leaking stuff for over a decade and probably knows what goes on behind the scene, and leaking stuff too early like this seems like a surefire way to draw too much attention torwards leakers, where Toei might double down their security or start getting trigger happy with copyright claims and such.

It doesn't mean it would legally affect this site or any other forum, but simply that there's probably a reason why Redon and other leakers don't just throw a full summary and scan the whole magazine on sunday even though they probably could, since doing so might compromise the entire leaking operation.
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That would be....interesting, ive never heard of that before lol. Garp walking away with a 14 year old Dragon, who possibly meets his daughter (i.e. Luffy's mother) is pretty cool. He never calls Dragon his son, I just think it was assumed by people in the story.

Surely Shanks is related to something there too though, being a similar age to the incident and seemingly being with Roger since he was a baby (unknown yet but Roger alluded to it I guess).

All of this is super interesting to think about. That island has way more going for it than we currently know.
Yeah he very specifically calls dragon "luffys father" and calls Luffy "the son of my child", he never actually specifically implies dragon is his own son.

If luffys mother was the connection here and Dragon married her, then something happened to her, it would neatly explain everything about why Garp hates the celestial dragons so much and everyone in the Marines seems to completely understand why and allow him to be that way, and why Dragon is so obsessed with taking them down completely. She was likely killed or enslaved or some similarly horrible thing and that was the last straw for them both.

Also I feel like this would explain Woop Slaps enigmatic "is it his dream or his destiny" line. Because it doesn't make any sense why luffys destiny would be to become a pirate. Dragons not a pirate, Garp isn't, Shanks is just some guy Luffy knows. There's no piracy at all in his family history or his past, unless... If Rocks was his other grandfather it would make sense.

ALSO I think it'd be interesting for Luffy to inherit Rocks' blood and have it not really matter to him, while Blackbeard inherits Rocks' will
Yeah he very specifically calls dragon "luffys father" and calls Luffy "the son of my child", he never actually specifically implies dragon is his own son.

If luffys mother was the connection here and Dragon married her, then something happened to her, it would neatly explain everything about why Garp hates the celestial dragons so much and everyone in the Marines seems to completely understand why and allow him to be that way, and why Dragon is so obsessed with taking them down completely. She was likely killed or enslaved or some similarly horrible thing and that was the last straw for them both.

Also I feel like this would explain Woop Slaps enigmatic "is it his dream or his destiny" line. Because it doesn't make any sense why luffys destiny would be to become a pirate. Dragons not a pirate, Garp isn't, Shanks is just some guy Luffy knows. There's no piracy at all in his family history or his past, unless... If Rocks was his other grandfather it would make sense.

ALSO I think it'd be interesting for Luffy to inherit Rocks' blood and have it not really matter to him, while Blackbeard inherits Rocks' will
I think he does call him his son or he’s referred to in the manga.
Yeah he very specifically calls dragon "luffys father" and calls Luffy "the son of my child", he never actually specifically implies dragon is his own son.

If luffys mother was the connection here and Dragon married her, then something happened to her, it would neatly explain everything about why Garp hates the celestial dragons so much and everyone in the Marines seems to completely understand why and allow him to be that way, and why Dragon is so obsessed with taking them down completely. She was likely killed or enslaved or some similarly horrible thing and that was the last straw for them both.

Also I feel like this would explain Woop Slaps enigmatic "is it his dream or his destiny" line. Because it doesn't make any sense why luffys destiny would be to become a pirate. Dragons not a pirate, Garp isn't, Shanks is just some guy Luffy knows. There's no piracy at all in his family history or his past, unless... If Rocks was his other grandfather it would make sense.

ALSO I think it'd be interesting for Luffy to inherit Rocks' blood and have it not really matter to him, while Blackbeard inherits Rocks' will
Totally agree. Plus, that hidden motivation for Dragon has SO much potential.

This is actually a very good point made. Thanks for opening my eyes to the possibility lol
One of us has a law degree, and I'm pretty sure it's not you. There is literally the concept of levels in law. De minimis, is the technical term.

Second: "It simply makes no difference if a shop owner leaks pictures of the magazine 3 days early or someone leaks some raw images." Come on. Use your brain. It is not a matter of "difference". It's the origin of the leak that's the problem. How can someone get these images, where from, etc. Only a select few would have access to the images before they've been type-set. Some random shopkeeper somewhere is completely different because here the phone call is coming from inside the house.

Do not mistake simplification for simplicity. And if you cannot see why Shueshia would regard leaking of actual images of the manga as worse than descriptions of the content, then you really should stop talking.
You are correct, I studied sth where you actually need intellect - physics.

I understand sth so simple like law without the need to study it and yes, the "crime" of leaking things is exactly the same in this case. Only difference would be if it really (!) was a Shueisha worker, that leaked inside/company infos.

Even then it certainly shouldn't be redon to act outraged - he's a little rat on his own, profiting on all those shady leaks.

If any outsider got those raws in their hands on whatever way (most likely scenario), it's the exact same issue like those leaked magazine pics that shouldn't get out.

You can babble all you want there, since you certainly don't even have a law degree by the way you phrase and structure your arguments (or you really are not a very good "lawyer").
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Did you see the raw ?

I have them, it's an absolute garbage, Oda destroyed his manga, it's just amazing how garbage One Piece has become. Soda is shitting on us

I will just wait 10 more chapters to see if ZKK happens, then I will drop this shitty manga.
Bruh talk for yourself and dont just assume the story is ruined for everyone. We all know Oda isn't flawless. There are still so many interesting story lines ahead. When i just think about the possibilities of an Void Century flashback. Rocks, Blackbeard (why doesnt he need sleep?) Vivi , hanncock , Sabo. The story about Dr Vegapunk this dude alone can fill 20-30 chapters his upbringing how did he get all his wisdom, the SSG, devils fruit lore. Monkey d Dragon who we know almost nothing about. The new Admiral which will also get interesting, backstory of the other admirals, Kong another mistery that needs to be solved. The treasure or Marie Joa doflamingo talked about, the ruins on the moon with enel wtf. I am sure i didnt even count half of whats ahead of us. And you want to drop all of that just because of how luffy looks now? Come on

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