What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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I think Rooftop feats are going to inflate their individual accomplishments.

Like I can't see killer not getting a billion bounty after all that "Yonkou vs Worst generation" set of chapters.

Morgans is going to hype it as much as possible.
Seeing how Oda had both Big Mom and Perospero get defeated during the Wano arc, Oda could have brought Smoothie as well and have her get defeated alongside her mother and brother.

I can understand if he didn't want Daifuku and the others to join the war, but I think he could have at least brought Smoothie to the war.

Maybe instead of doing that dumb Kazenbo subplot, Oda could have had Yamato fight and defeat Smoothie.

Katakuri and Cracker were already defeated during the WCI arc, and Big Mom and Perospero got defeated during the Wano arc along with Kaido, King, Queen, and Jack.

With all these major characters on the Yonko side getting defeated, you would think Smoothie would get defeated as well along with them but I guess not.
Smoothie will never lose
I was saying the same thing recently. Theres this weird sort of parallels or equivalent exchange thing going on with Sanji and Zoro. Not even just them but also with Big Mom and Kaido, Law and Kidd and such. I bet it will be the same for Bonney and Urouge too, the last 2 remaining Supernovas to get their own arcs.
Urouge is probably gonna join Blackbeard and be in the final arc possibly

Gorosei Informer

Wonder if we´re gonna see Bonney and Urouge on Elbaf? :zorothink:
That's exactly what I'm hoping for them. Not sure how Bonney will fit in on Elbaf and seems like her similarities to Big Mom are gonna be irrelevant/dropped/retconned or whatever too. Urouge at least will be a good match for the giants with his DF and may be BB's 10th captain imo.
But aside from that I really don't know what to expect anymore, except disappointment and lack of fulfilment lol.

Bonney I think will get focus with the Revolutionaries and Vegapunk, with Vega due to Kuma ofc but its also the question of what we're gonna get as Vegapunk still is barely shown, not even an actual proper silhouette at least and thus anything more than his torso and arms at best after 1052 chapters now and Dragon who was gonna declare war on the Celestial Dragons/WG, didn't even go to to Reverie but sent Sabo in an apparent suicide mission too.

Gorosei Informer

Urouge is probably gonna join Blackbeard and be in the final arc possibly
Yeah I've been banking on that since he said that, I suspected he might even show up to Wano as he met Kaido and Blackbeard might have sent some forces to Wano, maybe even turning up himself with his crew to try and take BMs and Kaidos fruits and maybe take over Wano too.

I even suspected/hoped that Hawkins/Apoo/Orochi will be allies with Blackbeard or something or that Catarina and Shiryu had infilitrated Wano and were spying for Blackbeard, keeping him updated, alerting him when to assault Wano and thus be prepared for it.

I have a feeling since Urouge seems to be maybe even both Skypeian and Birkan somehow or at least one of them at least ofc, more likely Birkan too, that he's gonna have some kind of big role later somehow. Enel discovered a lot of important shit on the moon, Urouge went to Raijin Island when the SHs were meant to go there and Smoker also went there trying to pursue the SHs or something too.

I really want to cope and hope that Urouge will get some big role somehow but he might just get the Hawkins/Apoo treatment at best. Hawkins and Apoo were big letdowns.

I don't expect much for Bonney but there is a ton of potential for her DF with importance in the narrative.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Tbh I'm toying with the idea when Zoro went to Mihawk for 2 years and Mihawk turns around tells him being the WGS/WSS isn't all that great, all its cracked up to be. He took up farming instead and is much happier that way.

Zoro emerges from the timeskip as a "farmerai", determined to be the "World's Greatest Farmer" or something lmfao. Similar to how Usopp suddenly became a botanist over and thus after the TS.

Zoro gonna help restore Wano to its former glory while Yamato takes his spot as the fighter of the crew :finally:
Yeah I've been banking on that since he said that, I suspected he might even show up to Wano as he met Kaido and Blackbeard might have sent some forces to Wano, maybe even turning up himself with his crew to try and take BMs and Kaidos fruits and maybe take over Wano too.

I even suspected/hoped that Hawkins/Apoo/Orochi will be allies with Blackbeard or something or that Catarina and Shiryu had infilitrated Wano and were spying for Blackbeard, keeping him updated, alerting him when to assault Wano and thus be prepared for it.

I have a feeling since Urouge seems to be maybe even both Skypeian and Birkan somehow or at least one of them at least ofc, more likely Birkan too, that he's gonna have some kind of big role later somehow. Enel discovered a lot of important shit on the moon, Urouge went to Raijin Island when the SHs were meant to go there and Smoker also went there trying to pursue the SHs or something too.

I really want to cope and hope that Urouge will get some big role somehow but he might just get the Hawkins/Apoo treatment at best. Hawkins and Apoo were big letdowns.

I don't expect much for Bonney but there is a ton of potential for her DF with importance in the narrative.
I have more ecpectations from Urouge even if a bit than Bonney/Apoo/Hawkins, he's among the few that did something (beat a commander, one of the weaker ones but he did at least that)
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