We told you kata beats King in many ways by restraing him and using mogura
Or punching him till he falls unconscious
That you don't need adcoc to handle that fraud
Oh yeah Katakuri has better haki and df mastery
King being above kata is only retardation
Or punching him till he falls unconscious
That you don't need adcoc to handle that fraud
Oh yeah Katakuri has better haki and df mastery
King being above kata is only retardation

What part of Katakuri lost to WCI Luffy don't you understand. Katakuri hasn't been relevant in Wano at all. BM didn't even bring him to Wano because he was on punishment.

GB said he can't lose to mere commanders and the WG views Katakuri as just another YC along with Cracker.

Stop given everybody else feats and power to Katakuri. GB piercing King's body doesn't make King look bad. Instead, that hype for GB. Zoro could damage and scar Kaido but had problems damaging King until he obtained ACoC. None of the captains were able to scar Kaido. That includes Luffy with his internal destruction haki that break things apart and into pieces. That technique couldn't even chip a scale.