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Fair enough. It's difficult to tell what's actually true at this point. I hope that the WG propaganda starts to decrease soon, or at least gets called out more.
We can start to think that, like Yonko have external allies, WG have their own, like the 8 nations but this is a huge secret due to these nations being also too much for normal citizens to know. Just imagine the WG image being damaged if everyone start to know about it's connections.

War, chaos, domination... I could see it.
Still doesn't explain not addressing Akainu with honorifics
Greenbull, Fujitora and Chaton use "-san" when addressing him, so far only Borsalino doesn't.
Ah, that's probably just personality/relationship with him. Fuji is a respectful person and Ryo clearly looks up to Akainu based on last chapter. Chaton might just be new and is respectful. Aokiji and Kizaru know Akainu since they were pretty young as VAs, so the relationship is closer. My guess is Black Horse falls under the latter category. He might have always been a VA in the Marines before with Sengoku
Hmm some idea dump

- Elbaf arc. It's Buggy's territory since he he had earned Elbaf (their worshipped god, called "Eternal King") metaphorical blessing, through a specific trial in Elbaf kingdom. Their deceased King, Odin, designed the trial, but Buggy and his crew apparently get the success, something that hasn't been done since ever. Included in the rituals is also combat test, which Buggy and his crew breezed through...since apparently in Buggy's crew there is Edward Weevil who joined due to Buggy's deception.

- Loki's info network detected about Sabo's involvement in Cobra's death. Loki doesn't trust The Strawhats since Cobra is their friend while Luffy, the captain, is the lil bro of Sabo. Sanji wants to clear Luffy's name. Sanji vs Loki.

- At the same time Zoro barges in an Elbaf strategic meeting in which Buggy also participates. Zoro tells Buggy to help clear Luffy's name.

- Buggy says to Zoro that if Zoro wants help, he must defeat a certain crew member of Buggy who waits for him in the Elbaf tradition of Fighting Tournament.

- Zoro goes to the tournament, slashes and dices, arrives in the final. Apparently, a certain crew member of Buggy is a certain Dracule Mihawk.

- Mihawk joined Buggy as a temporary crew, thanks to Shanks who trolled Mihawk to have some comrades for once. Mihawk asked why not Shanks offered to join Red Hair Pirates instead? Shanks trolled Mihawk even more, taunting Mihawk's lack of confidence in social life and getting to know strangers, instead of being in a comfort zone of having Shanks as his comrade.

- Thus Mihawk joined Buggy by Shanks' trolling and recommendation. Within a few months, Buggy (actually Mihawk and Weevil) had achieved Emperor status due to taming Elbaf as his territory.

- The final of Elbaf Tournament. Zoro vs Mihawk. The decisive battle for World's Strongest Swordsman. Zoro figures out the way to obtain the strongest Armament Haki, blackens Wado Ichimonji and remembers Kuina, defeats Mihawk by formulating a new technique with Kuina's past Ougi being his inspiration, and become WSS.

- Mihawk tells Zoro that Shanks seemed to manipulate Mihawk into joining Buggy for a certain purpose. Like it was as if Shanks tricked both Mihawk and Buggy to build military strength in Elbaf, to put his eggs (battle resources in the form of alliance) in different baskets (unpredictable locations), to prepare for something (It's to be revealed later that Shanks wants military reassurance, that Elbaf and Mihawk will help whoever remains as The Pirate King, to end Imu's dominion).

- Mihawk tells Zoro, Luffy and his crews should immediately prepare for The Throne War of Three Emperors. Luffy vs Blackbeard vs Shanks.


- On the other side of Elbaf...
Luffy wanna have an adventure in Elbaf, he heard of a mysterious artifact in some mountain or something. He decided to search for it. Nami and Usopp accompany him. Meet some illusions and traps. The location is apparently the most impenetrable natural 3-dimensional maze in the world, made up from absurd wall and looping stairs, looping road in the forest, formation of traps everywhere, Nami and Usopp dismantle the traps again and again, them getting frustrated, but finally able to find the way through once Luffy uses G5 which bend the maze open.

- Apparently in the heart of the mountain, they find Elbaf himself, The Eternal King of Giants, who is the first giant in history, the strongest giant ever, living since Void Century. He guards the artifact. It's a Trial by Combat. Luffy vs Elbaf.

- Luffy defeats Elbaf. Elbaf tells about the story of his old friend Zunisha...and also about Imu, identity at the peak World Government. The previous Trial by Combat (Luffy vs Elbaf) is to determine whether the one arriving at this place to receive the artifact, will be strong enough to possibly have a chance against Imu.

- Luffy asks Elbaf to join his crew. Elbaf agrees. But he can't order the army of giants to follow Luffy, since they will not even recognize his identity, let alone obey his command. Luffy is fine with it, saying it's all good since the giant army is in Buggy's hands.

- The artifact given by Elbaf is an egg named Thanatos. It's the fourth, hidden Ancient Weapon. A biological weapon, which is programmable by unknown means.

- They bring the egg back to Sunny. Usopp, Nami, Robin, Sanji, analyze the fruit. Trying something, Brook release his soul, entering the egg, thus apparently being able to program it using Awakening. This is the beginning of Brook's coronation as Thanatos, The God of Death.

Elbaf becoming buggys territory is something i never thought about.I hope this is true.
G4 Luffy is getting taken out. He needs G5.
Post automatically merged:

When did I write that? And she hit Aramaki with an Advanced Conqueror’s Haki attack. You downplayers lol.

Green Bull literally had the Scabbards huffing, took an Advanced CoC attack from Yamato, and was bitten by a town sized dragon and HASN’T EVEN TAKEN DAMAGE.

You people: He’s trash! He’s weak! Luffy one shots!
1: Luffy has fire attacks so saying he needs more than gear 2nd to put down someone who is highly susceptible to simply being lit on fire and killed is a huge wank
2: How did he have the scabbards huffing? Show me any raws that show them huffing over cutting grass ( literally something I've done in my backyard, it's not hard )
3: He got slammed into the ground and even said that it hurt and was sweating and holding his head. Some how assmiraL fans think this is a feat because Yamato did the same to Kaidou and Kaidou bled from his mouth and got slammed, but that was Hybrid Yamato, and Aramaki is a plant ( plants don't bleed at all ).
4: Yeah, bitten by a dragon who doesn't have the haki or powers necessary to counter him yet.
It feels good to be able to comment on a One Piece chapter again!

I like how the scabbards want the Strawhats to enjoy the festival, but they also know that they should be the ones to protect their country. While I respect Oda’s decision to use the scabbards in that regard, I also just want to move on from these characters.

Honestly I thought Aramaki would be more goofy, but I guess Oda tricked me with the whole fluing into Wano on a flower spiel. Racist asshole Aramkai works for me. Clearly he has 100% brought into the Celestial Dragons are gods propaganda.

Momo is really stepping up as Shogun. Didn’t previous chapters indicate that he would be respected based of his gentleness rather than brute strength? Anyways it’s good to see him not crying though.

It’s good to see the Shanks and the RHPs! Shanks definitely seems to know more about the Gomu Gomu no Mi than he initially let on. Did he steal it on his own volition, or was he working for someone? I love the panels with Shanks and Benn Beckman. Shanks saying that isn’t now the time to go and claim the One Piece means that he is confident about where it is and how to get it. There has to be a connection between Luffy awakening his devil fruit/becoming Nika and finding the One Piece. I am just not sure what that connection is.

I don’t think Sabo assassinated Cobra. Wasn’t he trying to help Vivi during the Reverie? I just don’t see him killing her dad. I think someone else killed him and Sabo was either framed for the crime or wanted to be framed in order to increase his reputation. I am just happy that Kuma was rescued. I hope Kuma smiles again!

I am excited to learn more about what’s going on in the outside world!
It feels good to be able to comment on a One Piece chapter again!

I like how the scabbards want the Strawhats to enjoy the festival, but they also know that they should be the ones to protect their country. While I respect Oda’s decision to use the scabbards in that regard, I also just want to move on from these characters.

Honestly I thought Aramaki would be more goofy, but I guess Oda tricked me with the whole fluing into Wano on a flower spiel. Racist asshole Aramkai works for me. Clearly he has 100% brought into the Celestial Dragons are gods propaganda.

Momo is really stepping up as Shogun. Didn’t previous chapters indicate that he would be respected based of his gentleness rather than brute strength? Anyways it’s good to see him not crying though.

It’s good to see the Shanks and the RHPs! Shanks definitely seems to know more about the Gomu Gomu no Mi than he initially let on. Did he steal it on his own volition, or was he working for someone? I love the panels with Shanks and Benn Beckman. Shanks saying that isn’t now the time to go and claim the One Piece means that he is confident about where it is and how to get it. There has to be a connection between Luffy awakening his devil fruit/becoming Nika and finding the One Piece. I am just not sure what that connection is.

I don’t think Sabo assassinated Cobra. Wasn’t he trying to help Vivi during the Reverie? I just don’t see him killing her dad. I think someone else killed him and Sabo was either framed for the crime or wanted to be framed in order to increase his reputation. I am just happy that Kuma was rescued. I hope Kuma smiles again!

I am excited to learn more about what’s going on in the outside world!
Wdym? Were you banned or somn? Avoiding spoilers?
Now that everyone is gone, who is disappointed as fuck in green bowl this chapter ? The dude got trashed by Sabo, Yamato and now Momo in one single chapter :josad: