BRUHHHH. Yonko fans will never not live this down. This is the single worst thing that has happened to Kaido in his publication history, and that’s saying a lot: A casual Admiral outperforming him extremely easily. At this point I’d like to reiterate that the spoiler providers are trash.

Wait what? Is this what the spoiler providers call “paralyzed in fear?” Lmfao, he looks mildly caught off guard at best. Bro, not a single thing these motherfuckers say is trustworthy. The anti-Admiral bias is strong.
The spoiler providers claimed that Momo “severely injured Green Bull” when he literally took no damage lmfao,
They did not mention the fact that Green Bull completely neg diffed a force that almost killed Kaido (the scabbards), and Yamato who Kaido could not even low diff 1v1,
They completely did not mention that Yamato believes the guy who defeated Kaido would need help against Green Bull,
They claim Green Bull was “paralyzed” by Shanks when at best, he just looks mildly caught off guard (still a good feat from Shanks nonetheless).
At this point these untrustworthy fucks deserve to be laughed at and ridiculed. Green Bull looks incredible in these scans, and we don’t even have all of the scans yet lmfao.
All hail the Chad Aramaki and Admiral supremacy.
@MarineHQ62 @EmperorKinyagi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @Extravlad @kurwa @silverfire @Owl Ki @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @Blackbeard @SakazOuki @SakazukiTheFist @AdmiralBetterr777 @Doggo @ZenZu @Chrono