Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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That's what I was saying. The resources the captain has automatically boosts the captain's bounty. That's why Luffy and others have highly inflated bounties than subordinates. Similarly, Buggy got an instant boost in bounty thanks to Mihawk because they thought he was working for Buggy.
Having a yonko level crew or fleet on its own doesn't really mean much unless/untill you actually use that force to accomplish something. Like destroying marineford, impel down, enies lobby, or a yonkos island or something

Luffy's current bounty isn't inflated at all
All he got was shared credit with kid and law for defeating kaido and linlin nothing else

We don't know how exactly buggy, mihawk, and crocodile got their current bounty
It is not only unfair but also wrong to give shared credit to Law and Kid on many levels because they received live updates on how Luffy defeated Kaido while Law and Kid worked together to put down Big Mom. They shouldn't get any credit for Kaido's defeat. At least, back in Dressrossa, Law played a pivotal role in Doffy's defeat. It isn't just Luffy who suffered from this. We know for a fact that even Zoro and Sanji also got their bounties lowered.

It makes no sense that Law and Kid's bounties exceed their opponent's bounty while Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji get bounties that are significantly below their own opponents' bounties. They quite literally lowballed the SH pirates' role in this war. It has nothing to do with individual accomplishments playing bigger roles here. If we're talking about individual accomplishments, then Kid and Law should get bounties in the 2 billion range.
Kid and law didnt necessarily help much to take kaido down tho depends how much damage was done to kaido pre luffy vs kaido 1v1. At the same time luffy also got credit for taking down linlin who he didn't even hit once
So on paper its fair going off the thought they took down kaido and linlin meaning they have the same feat/accomplishment. Tho luffy should have gotten credits for defeating kaido and kid/law big mom separately.

They still recognized luffy with his crew, fleet, and influence as a yonko even while giving all 3 the same bounty

Zoro and sanji didn't get their bounties lowered...
King and queens bounties are still larger due to years of inflation from being a beast pirate, their captain have a bounty still significantly more than luffy's, and them having ties to the world government with queen being in mads and king having been essentially government property + just being a lunarian
King and queens bounties isn't their own individual worth/strength


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
I still remember this quote from Oda

And when you think about it, most of One Piece's success come from them

It's almost always entertaining when they are involved
Oda really didn’t need Yonkous after he created the Shichibukai. He already made BB an Shichibukai. So, just have him betray WG (as he did), make him EoS villain (as he intends to). Give BM's role to Doffy. Have Mihawk ready for Zoro and keep WB abd Shanks above it all.

The story would still work just fine (though it may be a bit premature to say, since we don't have any clue about Xebec's role).
Yes, they do. Unlocking a dangerous power like ACoC definitely contributes to how big of a threat you are, specially as it's seen in top tiers only for most parts.

Scarring Kaido for life is an accomplishment worth rewarding in itself- and if Law was rewarded 500m for fighting vs Doffy only to drop out mid-way and doing fuck all after as Luffy wins, Zoro should be, too.

But of course, everything else he did was ignored lol
Not him but you have to look at the situation in practical terms.

If someone else was watching the fight in the rooftop he would see Zoro trying to block a attack from 2 Yonko and failing (having to be teleported by Law). Then he tried to do a attack against kaido that cut him (similar to what samurais did) and falling after that.

That's it. No one would be able to note a scar until the wounds heal. If someone watched the full battle, the samurais having Kaido on the floor in dragon form gasping for breath would look more impressive. To a outsider observer Yamato holding Kaido alone for a time should even be more impressive, than what Zoro did.

Then Zoro was out of comission and fought King. There was no one close to see the battle and in the times when they fought in front of others Zoro had his ass kicked. So the best that a outsider could have thought was that Zoro won after a hard battle but not the specifics.

BTW, Kaido phrase about AdvCoc does not preclude weak people from having it or other top tiers of having another power to tie the scales. It's more about how exclusive the power is than about it's strenght. You can use the same phrase for future sight and it would be the same (only a handful of top tiers have it- Luffy, Kaido and Kata). I say that because you can't just assume that having AdvCoC is enough for a higher bounty by the marines. They suck at it.
No shit? Really? But look at the group shot! Forget volume 109 cover, Robins meaningless words and feats at Wano. Also forget the M4 group shot after Shanks chapter

You have been fooled. Zoro and Jimbe are more or less equal whole Sanji is a good margin behind

Bring us the Zoro vs Jinbe threads!
😂😂😂 bro u can't troll a troll. Foh
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