Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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Jimbei wasn’t even going all out against who’s who. And all of sanji’s accomplishments still isn’t on the same level of prestige and influence that jimbei has. Jimbei was the captain of one of the most feared and biggest crews of all time, tied with the second commander of the second most feared pirate of all time, was a big participant in marineford, was a warlord that stopped being a warlord instead of losing the title and was affiliated with big mom and left her to be with the most talked about supernova. Pretty sure any sane marine woulda think of jimbei ina higher light than sanji since sanji before wci wasn’t even top three most talked about strawhat and his biggest accomplishment is just defeating a commander. Not tryna dunk on sanji btw, just being realistic
Jimbei would get mid diffed by queen fuck outta here. Sanjis on the level of mid diffing latakuri. He's not here for some games. He's fighting an admiral next. Quit trying to put jimbei on his level.

We seen queen vs meme and we saw big mom who was literally dying vs jimbei.

Queen cracked her skull and knocked her out.

Jimbei pushed her into water.

She was dying vs jimbei. Nerfed as fuck.

Don't compare jimbei fighting who's who to sanji fighting queen.
Especially after how sanji handled queen.
Jimbei wasn’t even going all out against who’s who. And all of sanji’s accomplishments still isn’t on the same level of prestige and influence that jimbei has. Jimbei was the captain of one of the most feared and biggest crews of all time, tied with the second commander of the second most feared pirate of all time, was a big participant in marineford, was a warlord that stopped being a warlord instead of losing the title and was affiliated with big mom and left her to be with the most talked about supernova. Pretty sure any sane marine woulda think of jimbei ina higher light than sanji since sanji before wci wasn’t even top three most talked about strawhat and his biggest accomplishment is just defeating a commander. Not tryna dunk on sanji btw, just being realistic
Sanji was not all out too and jinbei only fought whos who sanji fought queen and king twice and black maria and destroyed perospero too
Bounties resized to Enies Lobby..

Luffy - 300 Million
Zoro - 110 Million
Jinbei - 110 Million
Sanji - 103 Million
Robin - 83 Million
Usopp - 50 Million
Franky - 39 Million
Brook - 38 Million
Nami - 36 Million
Chopper - 100 Berry
This is exactly why Mihawkbros won.

Imagine a loner who spent his time farming on an isolated Island with Baboons come back to instantly have 75-85% of the Bounty of Emperors of the Sea with their numerous fleets, powerful crewmates, multiple Islands & territories that they have under control.

in terms of threat to the government
Hunting Marines (yc1 alone) > being a yonko
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