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BBP attack old Whitebeard without hesitation.
2 years later, peak BBP chicken out after facing an even older out of shape Rayleigh.

Umm. Who was the strongest pirate until MF again?
Not really, Rayleigh made a deal don’t get your hopes that high
It’s absurd to think he stands a chance against the BBPs
Wb was a walking corpse anyway
I think the same lol. There was probably just some mutual respect, no way BB straight up fears Rayleigh.
BB is usually very cautious, of course he woulsnt want to face the Kuja+Rayleigh while potentially being attacked by a bunch of Seraphim. But I really wonder what was his plan, if he knows what Boa can do then why send anyone but himself?
I didn't want to spoil this chapter...But then they spoiled me:chirstsad:
As I expected, it was a good chapter
Ray probably did the same thing Shanks did at Marineford
It is also interesting that Oda does not want the bounty of others to be higher than Shanks
I think Hancock is the only person whose bounty shows his strength...2 Commander's bb defeated?
If she did this easily, I can say that her performance was even better than Gb
He has awakened to gain control over the battlefield. He has FS and enough speed to avoid her beams. He has Haki to clash with her without risking becoming a stone. He can attack her without directly touching her via Peerless Donuts. There is virtually nothing that Hancock has that Katakuri doesn't have an answer to while Hancock mostly can't even avoid his attacks.

The 4 siblings were far stronger than anything Hancock's underlings could offer. It's harder to fight two half-decent fighters than a thousand fodder. Katakuri was folding the Vinsmoke siblings, all of whom are closer to Hancock than to her second strongest crew member. It was Caesar's intervention that changed everything. And he targets air in your surroundings. You'd lose grip even before you figure out what's going on. None of Hancock's underlings can replicate what Caesar did to him. They can't even touch him.
Hancock can hold her own against him and dude Kat’s CoA range is not that good. Again Flambe was able to interfere in his fight without him noticing. You can’t use the ceaser excuse
So "coby offered himself to the bb pirates since they were attacking his men. He was fighting back with them being impressed with him hence why they made a deal with him so that he could protect his men"


It could be that BB just sent some of his Titanic Captains to get it, similar to how Burgess went to Dressrosa. Melo Melo no mi is a useful DF similar to how Mera Mera no mi is useful.

BB wants all "strong" DFs, so him going after Hancock's DF itself is not a problem. The problem is that we thought BB was going after something much more important and impactful.

I blame Oda for baiting. This is not what I had in mind when BB said he would rather take it than letting Marines take it.

But if Melo Melo no mi is another secret God DF like Luffy's, @AverageNamiEnjoyer and @OnePiss should start counting their days.
Didn't Blackbeard stole it.
It's not really big deal.
Mero Mero no mi is overpowered fruit.
And it's more like convenient way of involving Coby in Blackbeard vs Luffy fight.
Things that could have created problem didn't really happened
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