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Lazy is the way
Didn't know Garp was some kid following Roger and Rayleigh around with a dream far inferior than theirs, all while wondering how hard will it be to keep up with both of them, but he's gonna try his best. :suresure::suresure::suresure:
Yeah and WB dream was to have a family


Imagine dissing Koby for wanting tie be an admiral. I swear some are not reading the story.

Zoro is a character that revolves around becoming the strongest swordsman. Roger was a swordsman- and sure, that doesn't make Roger part of his ambition, but in shonen, when a character becomes strongest X, it's usually strongest X of all time.
Lol we already had that dance, and it’s beyond stupid to think Roger was the strongest swordsman of all time that Roger needs to surpass to be the goat. It makes 0 sense.

Gol D. Roger

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Heavily disagree on this. You're trying to play this off far to easily imo. The question should be asked why Oda doesn't take a chance like that to squeeze in some Ray hype. We know he was part of the battle, making him seem like an irrelevant subordinate is not the way to portray someone is an absolute legend of the verse.
How many times has Oda randomly hyped Rayleigh even when the dialogue wasn't about him. He's not going the extra mile to wank Rayleigh in his best days.
The question is, why should he bring him up when he doesn't have to? He didn't do it as a matter of fact. Rayleigh is someone that needs no introduction or hype. He already received a fair share of hype moments for us to understand where he stands. I don't get the necessity to hype characters at every other small opportunity. Oda doesn't have to make him look more important than he actually is.

Rayleigh wasn't an irrelevant subordinate but he was definitely unrelated to the conversation they were having. 957 is when we got to learn the relationship b/w the characters I've mentioned earlier. It's where Sengoku tells us Rocks had BM, WB, and Kaido under him, and it's also where we learn the forces led by Roger and Garp defeated them. So it makes sense they were the only ones who appeared.
Lmao, yes. The entire world knows of the Hero of the Navy. Rayleigh is leeching off being Roger's right hand. Garp got his name via combat feats. There's the difference shishio.
ENtIre wOrLD
I highly doubt that's true lol

Sounds alot like Garp doesn't it?

"Garp defeated Roger"
"Garp is sole champion of God Valley"
Talk about false reputation

And that leeching of captain is complete pathetic grade A bullshit

Zoro got no fame from Luffy as a matter of fact his accomplishments on roof top got unnoticed and trash cans like low and mid got credit.

Fact that under all the odds, with Roger's shadow holding him back he still became bigger MUCH bigger name than Garp
Golly I rate Sanji much higher than you do apparently :myman:

Wonder if Garp went around bowing to Roger and Rayleigh, shivering at the though of one day becoming an Admiral and how big that dream is, all while wondering how hard it'll be catch up to both of them.
Helmeppo said he feels like Coby Is way above him and.. Zoro said both Will be strong foes.
And Helmeppo Is the One Who almost made Zoro killed.
Literally Coby Is the First Luffy meets and Zoro killed Helmeppo's pet causing his death if not for Luffy.
Oda made it on purpose, it's dualism.
Do you think It Is a random choice for Oda to give swords to Helmeppo? Of course not.
Be ready, prepare yourself, Helmeppo and Zoro Clash EOS.
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