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I have nothing against Teach, like I said he is the best of the Yonko and a genuinely great character. It is quite unfortunate that he will prove momentarily useful to expose Yonko fan hypocrisy.

Do not fret, most of my wrath will be targeted at that absolute shit red haired cripple that only retards enjoy.
I know that inside every Admiral and sword fan, there's little BB wank that finds its way to the surface when Erkan is logged out.
The hell?
The new Pacifista are infinitely better. They never needed to be stronger individually. They obey any order and are a large army.

SSG's creation is far superior to the warlords as a military weapon.

Fujitora is the big winner here.
If they can make a few thousand of them fast the OP world fucked if you not a marine lol

Was Shakky 3 empresses ago? Or is this just a lie they tell Hancock? (since lovesickness isn't fatal since Shakky is alive)
Likely lied to discourage the young from falling in love.
Could be a lie but also could be true, Shakky could have ruled decades ago and 2 empresses could've died after she left the island, if Boa had died protecting Luffy in Marineford they would have replaced her and said the same thing about her.
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