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They issued bounties for Onigashima participants a week after Kaido fell on the day of that big party. Why do they need to issue bounties for Cross Guild during then though?
Ohh. My bad. This Exactly as you wrote. They issued bounty after fell of Kaido during celebration and when Luffy's first bounty was introduced.
Wait are you saying that the Marines issued the Shichibukai bounties... on the same day as Luffy's bounty release which is like close to ~2 weeks later?
Yeah. Today I'm free so I'll do it to kill my boredom. Lol

Now here's even more detailed series of events :

- Chapter 956, Revocation of Schibukai system. Coby went to Amazon Lily to capture Boa Hancock.

- Chapter 957, for the first time bounties of old yonkos were revealed. That is after schibukais were abolished and marines confirmed the revival of Rocks after continuation from chapter 956 events.

Now Brannew revealed BBs bounty is 2.247B as emperor and that is revealed when schibukais system got abolished and Coby went to Amazon Lily, now even in flashback that's when BB fought with both marines and Kuza pirates.

Now you have to believe it's either 2.247B at that time or suddenly in few hours it becomes 3.99B !?

Believe it or not but Oda revealed the boost in this way just to hype up Boa and BB fight and in flashback.

While all these new bounties of schibukais or emperors starts spreading after Luffy beat down Kaido and on the celebration day as showed in chapter 1053 when newspapers started worldwide release till now chapter 1059 (spoilers).

Chapter 956-957 thing made it even more concrete that Oda/Marines reveals all new bounties after the end of events in Wano.

Also WG and Oda is definitely putting emphasis on these schibukais former relationships with WG in there bounties boost.... like Bogard had said this speculation might be true.. What do you think ?
nonsense, clearly king's backstory is still important even now with these new pacifistas his backstory is going to go to the final arc.
Queen had way more screentime and he's now completely irrelevant the best you can expect from him is a few lines during mads backstory
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you can say it makes no sense but why the need to pretend it was retconned? We just had a retconned bounty last chapter and an official announcement that it was retconned,this was no retcon only a bounty increase
I'm conflicted. On one hand Oda has put some of the most interesting threads in the trash but on the other hand he's got some really promising new ones.

The shichibukai children as lunarians is wild and yeah, it makes King himself even better directly.
Yeah If I were a kata stan I say defeat versus caesar is much more respect than that.

Caesar did neg luffy at punk hazard too.

Don't compare with Luffy defeat.
Oda gives Luffy the worst of the defeats all the time even from the fodders worse than Caesar (you will see even more in the future). Katakuri is not Luffy. He is more level-headed and more proficient in FS. But here Katakuri jobbing to Caesar means only one thing. Katakuri's role is over and he doesn't have any future role the plot requires Germa to survive.


The Rogue Prince
Ohh. My bad. This Exactly as you wrote. They issued bounty after fell of Kaido during celebration and when Luffy's first bounty was introduced.

Yeah. Today I'm free so I'll do it to kill my boredom. Lol

Now here's even more detailed series of events :

- Chapter 956, Revocation of Schibukai system. Coby went to Amazon Lily to capture Boa Hancock.

- Chapter 957, for the first time bounties of old yonkos were revealed. That is after schibukais were abolished and marines confirmed the revival of Rocks after continuation from chapter 956 events.

Now Brannew revealed BBs bounty is 2.247B as emperor and that is revealed when schibukais system got abolished and Coby went to Amazon Lily, now even in flashback that's when BB fought with both marines and Kuza pirates.

Now you have to believe it's either 2.247B at that time or suddenly in few hours it becomes 3.99B !?

Believe it or not but Oda revealed the boost in this way just to hype up Boa and BB fight and in flashback.

While all these new bounties of schibukais or emperors starts spreading after Luffy beat down Kaido and on the celebration day as showed in chapter 1053 when newspapers started worldwide release till now chapter 1059 (spoilers).

Chapter 956-957 thing made it even more concrete that Oda/Marines reveals all new bounties after the end of events in Wano.

Also WG and Oda is definitely putting emphasis on these schibukais former relationships with WG in there bounties boost.... like Bogard had said this speculation might be true.. What do you think ?
Aight fair enough that makes sense I concede, I didnt think about 956/957 when I was thinking about those bounties. You win this debate and that proves my argument wrong :catsweat:

As I said earlier, I dont think Shichibukai bounties are boosted in anyway, they're just really powerful individual pirates who the community underrated for so long.
Ohh. My bad. This Exactly as you wrote. They issued bounty after fell of Kaido during celebration and when Luffy's first bounty was introduced.

Yeah. Today I'm free so I'll do it to kill my boredom. Lol

Now here's even more detailed series of events :

- Chapter 956, Revocation of Schibukai system. Coby went to Amazon Lily to capture Boa Hancock.

- Chapter 957, for the first time bounties of old yonkos were revealed. That is after schibukais were abolished and marines confirmed the revival of Rocks after continuation from chapter 956 events.

Now Brannew revealed BBs bounty is 2.247B as emperor and that is revealed when schibukais system got abolished and Coby went to Amazon Lily, now even in flashback that's when BB fought with both marines and Kuza pirates.

Now you have to believe it's either 2.247B at that time or suddenly in few hours it becomes 3.99B !?

Believe it or not but Oda revealed the boost in this way just to hype up Boa and BB fight and in flashback.

While all these new bounties of schibukais or emperors starts spreading after Luffy beat down Kaido and on the celebration day as showed in chapter 1053 when newspapers started worldwide release till now chapter 1059 (spoilers).

Chapter 956-957 thing made it even more concrete that Oda/Marines reveals all new bounties after the end of events in Wano.

Also WG and Oda is definitely putting emphasis on these schibukais former relationships with WG in there bounties boost.... like Bogard had said this speculation might be true.. What do you think ?
But why would Marines wait for two weeks to issue bounties for Warlords if they are already sending their fleets to capture the same?
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