Marine : Sir!! It appears that Lulucia Kingdom got destroyed by a mysterious power, most likely by some kind of dangerous weapon. All civilians are dead!!!
Akainu : Just put the blame on natural disasters and close the case.
Marine : b-but sir
Akainu : do as I say!!!
Marine : A-alright!!
Akainu : Just put the blame on natural disasters and close the case.
Marine : b-but sir
Akainu : do as I say!!!
Marine : A-alright!!

Sir!! It appears that Lulucia Kingdom got destroyed by Monkey D Luffy, most likely by that god form on his poster. All civilians are dead!!!
Akainu : Nuke the area, destroy the ships! Barsolino go to the island
Marine : Wakainu Warsolino Wujitora Wreenbull the gooats
Greenbull : He's him Akainu is Him!
Marine : He's the goat