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Well I think Imu is a fighter. I just think Luffy fighting Kong at Mary Geoise makes more sense than fighting Sakazuki at Mary Geoise.

I don't really understand why you think that they will fight Navy HQ at Mary Geoise instead of at Navy HQ.

The "Final War" wouldn't be a single battle, but several battles. The Marineford War was a a single battle. The Final War would have a battle at Navy HQ and another at Mary Geoise.

Think of it as One Piece's 4th Great Ninja War.
It makes zero sense....Kong isnt even an established character post timeskip. Dude doesnt exist.

Why is it so hard for you to wrap your head around the fact that the Marines will come protect Mariejoa if the SHs try to attack it ? Its literally their job to do so.

Multiple battles at the same time with different people from each factions in it. Sure. But multiple battles one after the not a "Final War".

No were not bringing Naruto into this.
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