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Yonko system exists because WG allows it. Weapon/Power of such level could have easily get rid of Yonko territories and crew.
Bruh. Fucking sabo is gonna survive that shit. Marines let yonko be because they are not gonna be cooperating with each other. The yonko compete with each other as well as the marines. If all the yonko cooperated, Marines would lose.
Nope. Adv CoC exists to Counter
advcoc is the strongest power in One Piece bar 3 acient weapon
Roger is proof of that, so is Mihawk/shanks,Ray,Oden,Kaido,White Beard (durin his flashback with Roger)
DF power are super good but haki trascend it all and coating coc is the last stage for that (we are moving to the end of this manga...dont expect super new thing but the current stuff just a bit better)
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