Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1063 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the strongest of these 3(Zoro,Law and Kid)?

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On this we can agree, but I’m more interested in the fact that the WorstGen Mods refused to perma ban bigots and people who openly stated that they hope all LGBTQ people are killed
When I was being framed for posting porn by Golden Garp he literally filled like 10 pages of the waiting room with pure porn.

As lacking as the mods can be there’s a genuinely small amount of them relative to the number of users so we cant expect too much.
Woooow Zoro fought in a 5vs2 and had like 1 or 2 seconds of fighting Kaido alone wooooooooow
His Wano opponent was neg diffed in a 2vs1 against someone weaker than BB lol and now we have Law taking on BB alone and Zoro fanboys try to downplay that loooool how desperate
Dude your avi LMAOOO I mean yes King is Ling but what did he do to deserve such disrespect? :josad:
No Zoro would not fight BB. He would get low diffed.
Law fought BB and 3 commamders and now has a serious 1 on 1 with an Yonkou.
Watch him push BB to high diff.
Law did something to the others ? Lol he just avoided them ... so much for "fought" lol!

Yes about the serious 1 vs 1 finally, but you forget that Law's fort is sneak attacks and against another opportunist like BB, it won't work.
We won't see the fight or maybe few pages.

I didn't say Zoro will fight BB but anyone can face the captains. Remember Zoro against Big Mom and Kaido my dear "only captains face others captains" crew ??

BB low diff Zoro but high diff Law ? Lol Zoro isn't Kidd who lost an arm against an unknown member of RHP...
Already too much paralels among the two. Then Aokiji kidnapped Pudding confirmed it.
It's not like Aokiji kidnapped her just to get Sanji riled up. He, along with another BB pirate did it. It was a mission of the BB pirates as a whole. So sanji fighting any of them is still possible. In fact, how the rest of the BB pirates interact with pudding will affect this too. Like, if Vasco shot or Pizarro torture or do something like that to pudding, who do you think sanji would be more angry against?

And, if BB pirates are the next main villains, sanji won't be admiral level. Kuzan is admiral level still. So no chance sanji beats him.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Tejas, Neo, and that kid with the Black Maria avatar

If these users are perma banned then I’ll drop the issue but I feel like it’s my civic duty to point out that you literally had kids on this thread openly claiming they hope all gender fluid people are killed and as of now they are not perma banned, lol

The mods can see their comments, I reported all of them


Heavy Metal
The problem is if I send a PM, none of the community will see you guys take a definitive stance against these bigots since y’all refuse to perma ban them lol

I am basically doing your guys’ job for you by openly speaking out against these freaks
Are you really claiming i would defend or save up homophobia? Dude tf is going on with you. Have you ever even saw me communicating?
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