Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1063 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the strongest of these 3(Zoro,Law and Kid)?

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World's Strongest Swordsman
If Law ran from Usopp Chopper and Franky while also being pulled up on by Luffy it would be impressive, yes

Not to mention that a terrible comparison lmao

They’re all still weaker than their opponents

Keep up the cope

He doesn't face off with bb until he's ran from them
No it's worse cause they are gonna beat these lot
I'm not disrespecting Kuzan here.

But the fact is, even if Doffy was Akainu lvl, he'd need 5 days to beat Kuzan and he had Law/Luffy ruining the business he spent decades building in the backside.

Even Akainu would have to retreat in that scenario. I dont think for a second that Doffy is a tough fight for an Admiral but the difference between Cracker and Doffy is apparent.
Well, I would agree with this if Mingo was cautious of Kuzan since the beginning but he pretty much ignored his previous warning and tried to kill Smoker in front of Kuzan. Only after the warning shot, Mingo reconsidered his decision and left Punk Hazard.

But yeah, the performance of Mingo and Cracker is very clear after this cover story... or Wano. Doffy is significantly stronger than Cracker.
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