Remember when cats were downplaying the fuck out of Law and Kidd for their victory 2v1 against Big Mom.
“B-b-but Low can’t land hit without MuH dIsTrAcTiOn!! Fraud bounty!!!”
So BB and his 3 (4 if you count Stronger) Commanders are jumping Law while he’s brushing off their DFs with just HAKI what the fuck is Oda trynna say here?
Cats were shitting on Kaido for hostage memes and BM for going extreme-diff in her 1v2, nah son they would eat BB ALIVE if this guy needs almost half of his Commanders to even stand a chance taking this mfing Penguin down.
“B-b-but Low can’t land hit without MuH dIsTrAcTiOn!! Fraud bounty!!!”

So BB and his 3 (4 if you count Stronger) Commanders are jumping Law while he’s brushing off their DFs with just HAKI what the fuck is Oda trynna say here?

Cats were shitting on Kaido for hostage memes and BM for going extreme-diff in her 1v2, nah son they would eat BB ALIVE if this guy needs almost half of his Commanders to even stand a chance taking this mfing Penguin down.