Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1066 Spoilers Discussion

What "deceased" character is coming back next?

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First thing Aokiji asked Nami was "How much for a night" or something like that....Blackbeard too wanted to have Bonney...and he is with full of girls in ichinose island....
Just a hint that they aren't top tiers.
*Just kidding don't quote me*
There a few who does but thats rare.
Kaido , shanks , mihawk , akainu , kizaru , luffy , Zoro none of them cares about sexuality.
People still complaining about Vegaounk design like this is actually gonna change shit, it's a waste of time, like I said before of you hated the series this much why read it, drop it and stop buying any merch related to it (if you even purchase anything that is), complaining online wont change much unless money is involved.
Just a hint that they aren't top tiers.
*Just kidding don't quote me*
There a few who does but thats rare.
Kaido , shanks , mihawk , akainu , kizaru , luffy , Zoro none of them cares about sexuality.
Point is caring about sexuality has nothing to do with goals or dreams...you can care about it and you can still conquer the world or respective dreams...
Latest chapter exposed the fuck outta sanji ngl
@BillSlipton @kurwa @Wildfire Kaios @Chrono

While Zoro can casually made fire from Ancient zoan Lunara King bleed buckets with basic CoA and stab him deep without CoA..

Sanji can do nothing but leave dirt marks on baby toy Jinbei without even Lunara fire and mark disappeared next panel.

Not to mention once again Oda confirmed Franky Shit Beam >>> sanji attacks

Does Infrit Jambe surpass Radical beam even??

I guess swordless Zoro equaling infrit jambe sanji isn't that far from true eh??
Idk, I'm abstaining from that this week

This chapter really hit the spot for me - pure lore
The Saul shit soured it a bit, but ig you can't have everything :milaugh:
Yeah I love the chapter

Vegapunk has a goofy design (as expected), more on Ohara, young Dragon looks great and learning more about him + his connection to Vegapunk + what pushed him to create the Revolutionary Army is really nice, the Robin panels are heart warming (rare to see stuff like that from her Post Enies Lobby), etc

Can’t complain

I’m fine with the Saul section depending on how it’s handled from this point on

Formerly Seth

People still complaining about Vegaounk design like this is actually gonna change shit, it's a waste of time, like I said before of you hated the series this much why read it, drop it and stop buying any merch related to it (if you even purchase anything that is), complaining online wont change much unless money is involved.
You can't just come out and say "drop it if you don't like it".

Spoilers discussion is exactly for the discussions like that.

People are disappointed because his previous silhouette suggested he looks normal, that's it.
Latest chapter exposed the fuck outta sanji ngl
@BillSlipton @kurwa @Wildfire Kaios @Chrono

While Zoro can casually made fire from Ancient zoan Lunara King bleed buckets with basic CoA and stab him deep without CoA..

Sanji can do nothing but leave dirt marks on baby toy Jinbei without even Lunara fire and mark disappeared next panel.

Not to mention once again Oda confirmed Franky Shit Beam >>> sanji attacks

Does Infrit Jambe surpass Radical beam even??

I guess swordless Zoro equaling infrit jambe sanji isn't that far from true eh??
Kaios and Chrono are busy having gay sex rn, come back later :endthis:
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