Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1066 Spoilers Discussion

What "deceased" character is coming back next?

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I know.

I haven't said anything about you bringing him up I said you should drop too since you are reading for ur fanfic basically.

Having your own world inside ur head definitely helps. Unfortunately for you, Oda doesn't give a fuck.

At no point in the story Sanji was close or stronger than Zoro.
I read the manga cause I enjoy it, You read it to negatively criticize even the most minor details

Idk why you have to make it about Z vs S but you do you bruh
People still complaining about Vegaounk design like this is actually gonna change shit, it's a waste of time, like I said before of you hated the series this much why read it, drop it and stop buying any merch related to it (if you even purchase anything that is), complaining online wont change much unless money is involved.
One piece has all kinds of designs starting from wacky characters to badass characters...Bon clay is no way a badass based on design but his actions made him badass..even Dr. Hiluluk looks goofy and his last moments are awesome....

In my opinion, actions make people more badass than just superficial badass designs....not that I hate badass looking designs but actions do matter....
He's more or less asexual. Bro isn't attracted to any gender. He got his goal as main priority like luffy. And many top tiers in one piece world. Top tiers barely care about there's sexuality to begin with.
Aokiji - “Damn Nami got big boobs”
Ryokugyu - “I’d eat if a hot girl fed me”
Blackbeard - “You’re too weak for my crew but be my woman instead”
Rayleigh - Disappears for weeks if he finds a girl according to Shakky
Oden - “What kinda girls are you into”
You can't just come out and say "drop it if you don't like it".

Spoilers discussion is exactly for the discussions like that.

People are disappointed because his previous silhouette suggested he looks normal, that's it.
When people are everytime disappointed it's like beating a dead horse, nothing changed and will change, might as well drop it, move to more enjoyable things for you.
Latest chapter exposed the fuck outta sanji ngl
@BillSlipton @kurwa @Wildfire Kaios @Chrono

While Zoro can casually made fire from Ancient zoan Lunara King bleed buckets with basic CoA and stab him deep without CoA..

Sanji can do nothing but leave dirt marks on baby toy Jinbei without even Lunara fire and mark disappeared next panel.

Not to mention once again Oda confirmed Franky Shit Beam >>> sanji attacks

Does Infrit Jambe surpass Radical beam even??

I guess swordless Zoro equaling infrit jambe sanji isn't that far from true eh??
Let me know when Zoro can withstand gravity

Even Nami, Franky and Robin+Sanji managed to do so with their boots weighing them down


Aokiji - “Damn Nami got big boobs”
Ryokugyu - “I’d eat if a hot girl fed me”
Blackbeard - “You’re too weak for my crew but be my woman instead”
Rayleigh - Disappears for weeks if he finds a girl according to Shakky
Oden - “What kinda girls are you into”
Read all the posts of you are gonna quote. I did said there are exceptions.

Formerly Seth

When people are everytime disappointed it's like beating a dead horse, nothing changed and will change, might as well drop it, move to more enjoyable things for you.
There are good things here and there, this chapter moves the story forward but there is a lot of things I could name that are bad especially retcons since Oda can't keep true to his previous writing.
Aokiji - “Damn Nami got big boobs”
Ryokugyu - “I’d eat if a hot girl fed me”
Blackbeard - “You’re too weak for my crew but be my woman instead”
Rayleigh - Disappears for weeks if he finds a girl according to Shakky
Oden - “What kinda girls are you into”
Aramaki is a classist asshole, most women would just fuck him because he's hot and then dip because he's really extreme for no reason.
Blackbeard is a literal terrorist, and Bonney is gonna fuck Jinbe now instead :myman:
Rayleigh is a goat, don't hate him for being a pimp.
Oden is a clown.
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