Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1066 Spoilers Discussion

What "deceased" character is coming back next?

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Of course, it would be more interesting than everyone sucking Luffy off and becoming his allies.

I think Oda is going for boring: "WG big, WG bad, entire world fight for the peace!".
It would have been way more interesting to have Vegapunk being a smart character who makes you think that the marine way of thinking is the best to achieve world peace and that pirates are actually bad for society, now it just feels like a plain old "bad guys vs good guys" :specialmeh:

Formerly Seth

It would have been way more interesting to have Vegapunk being a smart character who makes you think that the marine way of thinking is the best to achieve world peace and that pirates are actually bad for society, now it just feels like a plain old "bad guys vs good guys" :specialmeh:
Watch Vegapunk telling Luffy in the next chapter: "I knew your mom! I remember seeing you when you were just a toddler! Look what has become of you young man!".

we expected elbaf to be a short arc but it will be a dressrosa-like arc, and probably the last one before lodestar + laugh tale
Not sure who in their right mind thinks any of these arcs will be "short" lol.

Zou is the only example since basically LRLL to be a self contained "short" arc of 25 chapters, and even that set up WCI and Wano. Nothing else is like this to be frank.

The only potential imo is that Egghead is setting up another arc (like Jaya or Zou did), ala Moon or Blackbeard centric (Fullalead) arcs.

Elbaf definitely screams the last big adventure arc before the series reaches the it's big end imo. It fundamentally just can't be "short" like Zou or something lol.

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
This dude is so retarded but mods don't care since the thread will be lively. Posts like that should be treated as spam and deleted quickly.

Kuzan: Freezes his friend with a move called "Ice time capsule" or something like that which clearly might indicate that it was meant to go off at some point and free him.

Swallowlala: hahashahsahsahashhhhahsa Admiral couldn't defeat fodder giant hahahahahhahaha.
Exactly and it's all he does :risitavirus:
This dude is so retarded but mods don't care since the thread will be lively. Posts like that should be treated as spam and deleted quickly.

Kuzan: Freezes his friend with a move called "Ice time capsule" or something like that which clearly might indicate that it was meant to go off at some point and free him.

Swallowlala: hahashahsahsahashhhhahsa Admiral couldn't defeat fodder giant hahahahahhahaha.
Don't take Tejas alt seriously
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