Because strength is but one part of appreciation.
I thought his one punch would be the beautiful climax of Bellamy's arc to that point; a fitting conclusion, a baptism by punch before he set off on his own journey of self discovery; unburdened by the strings he sought freedom from
And then Oda sent him on that journey; rudderless and alone but bound by no man
Without fear in the sea where "the great wave" that would engulf the word will rise at it's worst; with faith he'll rise above, spot or no spot on the ship of a man unworthy of his dedication
Crafting the unbreakable symbol of the dream of the man he once mocked, the flag that will fly on the ship that'll succeed The Oro Jackson's grand voyage; the sign that will stamp safety on all who bear it, no longer a vengeful bullet and destroyer of dreams
A man; once a captain in another's accord and then a tool but with a pirate's heart amidst his misdirection
A man; pirate or no pirate, a flag crafter, continuing where other's would have wasted the third chance at a life well lived
A man; a fool and a friend to his crew, carrying a cross in memory of what he lost and not letting their life's be in vain
A man; a fool and a friend to Monkey D. Luffy, a bond with no strings, a bond built on respect, on passion, on ego set-aside and an openness to change, a bond between men
That said I did think he'd get a second shot at Dellinger